Monday, January 10, 1994

I’m not able to fall asleep just yet, so why not write?

I finally filled out the last of the 50 postcards and have already mailed out 30. I’ll mail 5 tomorrow, 5 Wed., 5 Thurs., and 5 Friday. That’ll kill ‘em all off. There are 5 people getting them - Nervous, Fran, Alex, Kim and Bob.

I did a little editing earlier. Soon I’ll do more.

I set up the timer to record a movie for Tom that I also want to see.


Tom and I finally got our CDs today. I only got two. Gloria’s Mi Tierra and Christmas Thru Your Eyes. Finally! I’m listening to the Christmas one now. It sucks, but at least I have it.

No letters today, but we sure had a lot of outgoing mail.


I called Jim at the dance studio. Tom told me last night that he really wanted me to go after he’d thought about it. You see, at first I felt bad, cuz this is fun for only me. Then Tom brought up a good point. While there are lots of things we both like, there are things only one of us likes and that’s OK. I like to dance and he doesn’t, but he likes sports which I hate. If it gets too expensive I won’t go, but I do want to take advantage of their Jan. special. After that, Jim said the smallest package is 6 lessons a month, but naturally, he wouldn’t go over the cost of it with me by phone. I told him I’d call back to reschedule an appointment with him after I see when Tom can bring me. Probably this weekend.

Wednesday I have to go to the head doctor set up by SS. Also, I have to take the written test for an AZ license. Thank God, though, the damn crotch doctor is over.

Now I’m listening to Mi Tierra. It’s OK. I’ll get used to it as I did with Rio and Otra Vez. I wish I could get those two on CD, plus what I don’t already have of Linda on CD. Hell, it’d be great to have everything I have on tape on CD. Including the edits and all the conversations, too.

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