Friday, December 24, 2010

My Ask account has been deactivated until there is a block feature available there. This is thanks to Molly Rose M.

Anonymous comments will also no longer be allowed on my blog either. Perhaps now it will finally sink in that no, I’m not playing around, and when I fight back I fight awfully mean and dirty when provoked long and hard enough. Especially when people I don’t even know and never wanted to know continually stalk, harass and contact me every single fucking place I go. And I don’t care if it’s to wish me a happy holiday season and not that you want to kill me or something vicious like that. “No contact” means NO FUCKING CONTACT!!!!

Other than Molly’s shit, it’s a typical day with Tom, the rat and Jesse’s loud motors. I’m sure he’ll soon be tearing up and down the drive with the kid on the dirt bike just like he was yesterday. What, does he want to lose us? Is he trying to drive us out of here? Why doesn’t he just ask us to leave if he wants us out of here or at least tell us he doesn’t give a shit either way? I really wish he’d give us just one day off from his trucks, motorpsychos, dirt bikes, chainsaws, bulldozers and whatever shit he can run to create a rack and spoil the peace! I can’t wait to get back on nights!

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