Saturday, January 8, 2011

I’m wearing my Tropical Rain Forest perfume right now and I really like it. I’m also wondering if I should bust out the holes in my earlobes I let close up. I just hadn’t bothered wearing earrings in so long, but maybe soon I’ll want to add shiny earrings to my shiny necklace.

Yesterday I did something I hadn’t done in a while and I sorted through some doll clothes. I tried sewing new straps on one of the doll’s bikini bottoms but I’m just so damn blind even with glasses. I’m gonna have to wait till I get progressives, and of course there are still my teeth that have to be dealt with. I woke up in pain again last night.

It’s going to be a dry weekend, but we’ve hit freezing like 6 or 7 times so far this year. This month may be drier to make up for last month. We got 10” of rain last month when December usually gets 8”.

I missed my evening chat with Maliheh, who says she’s burned out and lazing around. I replied to her two messages right as she “over and outed” me saying she was hitting the hay, then sent a couple more throughout the night.

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