Monday, July 25, 2016

Went out walking together for an hour. No hip pain, so maybe I was just getting a little too inactive there for a while. Tammy said to ice it if it hurts. Still have my Bowflex workout awaiting me, and a house to clean. How did I once swim all day and dance on heels all night?

I’m wondering (and definitely hoping) if I’m getting toward the end of perimenopause because I haven’t had as many symptoms. I’m not dizzy all the time like I used to be, I’m sleeping a little better overall, I haven’t had anxiety, and I’m not hot flashing as much. I even had to turn the fan off the last two times I slept because I was actually chilly. In the middle of summer! Been keeping the house at 78° and it’s comfy. I used to keep it at 82° down in Arizona. I like the warmth. I drop it to 76° when I sleep, though, and if I’m doing anything physical like cleaning or working on the Bowflex, I set it at 77°.

When we were out walking we noticed these cute little umbrellas set up in front of someone’s house and thought they were strange but interesting decorations. Then we realized that given the angle of the umbrellas, they were probably shading what appeared to be little tomato patches. Bob and Virginia’s own tomatoes that they have growing in the front corner of their place look ripe and ready to pick.

I briefly read about the waitress who was fired for bashing Mexicans on Twitter and was like, you gotta be kidding me? Now your employment is based on your social life? I just think it’s really sad that people will waste the police and media’s time on such petty things, disagreeable or not, when they should be focusing on more important things. No one’s forced to read anything they don’t want to read, after all. What is it with this country claiming it has free speech anyway when your only “freedom” is to say what most people want to hear? I just think it’s a real abuse of law enforcement to go running to them because of what someone says or writes and not what they actually do. Hearing someone you disagree with isn’t like being assaulted or robbed. The cops should be putting their time and energy into rapists, robbers, arsonists and murderers and not someone that pissed you off or hurt your feelings.

Looking so forward to seeing Stacey! Yes, I admit it. I have come to have feelings for that brown-eyed brunette and I love our little get-togethers. A great guy… a great woman… how did I get so damn lucky?

Got some fun stuff coming from Amazon: A toe ring, a couple of swimsuits, a couple of necklaces, and a necklace holder.

Other than finding out where Stacey lives in her 3-bedroom, 2-bath house in Auburn that’s almost 2K square feet and built in 1988, I dreamed of sleeping on an airbed somewhere last night.

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