Friday, December 24, 1999

In the trailer…

Tom went to crash in the house where the animals are now.

I just heard the strangest thing I ever heard around here. I was sitting on the bed relaxing with some cocoa when I heard a voice. It certainly wasn’t loud enough to make out, but when I stepped outside, I heard a male voice say, “Go to hell, go to hell,” in the utmost terrifying voice. I think it was from next door. They said it with such fear that if they were just joking, they’re a damn good actor. I also heard a dog that sounded too close for comfort, bark a few times. The only other sound I hear right now is some engine revving up, but I don’t know where it’s coming from. It sounds a lot like a big tractor a few miles away, but it’s probably a truck next door.

I expect it to sound a bit city-like tomorrow for Christmas. Some voices, gunfire, and music oughta be heard. I’m surprised I haven’t heard any music yet tonight, but it’s still early. The music I heard last Friday didn’t start till close to 10:00.

I still hear that engine and am beginning to think it’s a farming vehicle of some kind (you’d be surprised at how much work they do at night). cuz I can’t imagine why next door, or any other neighbors, would sit and run their vehicles. It’s not idling. Whatever it is, they’re gunning its engine periodically.

Anyway, to sweep through the day - we went to Whataburger after checking out and I’ve really had it with them. They take forever, they fuck up our orders, and I’ve had enough. I don’t want to go back to noisy restaurants with shitty service either, so I’ll just grab something from Circle K. People are just too stupid!

Then, it was off to mini storage to load up with more stuff. I made a plant hanger out of silver chains and hair elastics for my pink floral plant that was here all along in the big box in which my monitor is. I hung it on Tweety’s old stand. Once the house is all set up, I’ll thoroughly describe each room.

Our last stops were to the grocery store and Circle K for my coffee.

Upon arriving home at 1:30, we were both majorly shocked to see the well drillers here, who had just arrived too, and were setting up to pull all the casing out.

Then it hit me… they’re here cuz they want us to think they’re finally gonna get their asses in gear and finish the job right for once and for all. The fact is, though, that after today, we’re gonna have to wait God knows how many weeks to get them back, but hey, their rig’s here. I’ll sabotage it on top of everything else I’m gonna do to them (and Steven).

With no success, we tried moving the trailer by the house by chaining it to a crowbar that we chained to the frame of the car, but amazingly, all it did was break the crowbar right in half.

Since we only have enough propane for one night rather than the two we plan on being here for. I’m trying to go as long as I can with no heat. To help with that, I swapped in my blanket for a down comforter, and am gonna sleep with my pants on, as well as the sweatshirt and socks I’ve been sleeping in.

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