Monday, February 14, 2000

The bear died last night. We buried him today in an unmarked grave a little ways away from the ‘gates of heaven’ cemetery where the favorites go. Meanwhile, the bear was buried in the ‘gates of hell’. I can’t say I’ll miss that meanie.

We went to Circle K, but too soon to see Jennifer cuz Tom wanted to avoid the more crowded hours when people start getting off of work. She doesn’t come on till 3:00 from what I can tell, but we got there around 2:00. Jack, one of the friendliest cashiers, was there being his usual talkative self. This one was apparently in some type of accident since he can’t move very well or very fast. When we first started going to this Circle K he seemed rather distant, like he wasn’t friendly. That’s how Jennifer always seemed too, till the last time I saw her. Although I doubt she would have said a word to me or even noticed me if I hadn’t said hello first.

Tom and I were discussing the definition of ‘free will’. I had thought that free will meant that you could do what you wanted in life. He said that to him, free will doesn’t mean you can do just anything. He said you can choose whether or not to sit down or stand up, but that doesn’t mean you can choose to fly. So he’s saying that to him, you choose what’s available to you to choose from.

Tom had an old pair of headphones that I didn’t have an adapter for the jack on the portable CD player I used in the trailer and hotel (now I use it in the car). So he was kind enough to replace it with the proper size jack. I’m so glad he’s smart enough to be able to do things like this.

Little by little he’s been setting up his office.

I took a really cool picture of Tom today. I blew bubbles on him while he was at the computer and took his picture, so he looks like he’s sitting there surrounded by bubbles and it looks neat. Someone who didn’t know any better might not know they were bubbles.

I also took a few gorgeous sunset pictures. The sky was pink-red with some yellow-orange in it too, as the sun set behind the mountain.

Yesterday I fell asleep earlier so I didn’t sleep too late. Got up around 8:30. Instead of setting my alarm for tomorrow morning, I’ll let them boom me awake, cuz tomorrow’s a boom day. I can use the military to keep me on a schedule, too. Works just as well as any alarm clock. The question is, though, are they gonna boom over at 9:30? Or as late as noon?

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