Monday, March 19, 2001

I didn’t know the DO’s uniforms included shorts. Kitchen wore shorts today.

Some nurse finally brought me my inhaler.

Teresa pled not guilty and was rescheduled for May. She’s still trying to get her bond reduced.

When Johnson came on I just couldn’t bring myself to snob her. I just didn’t have the heart to do it because other than that one time she snapped at me, she’s been so cool. She’s the only one that really truly cares about me in this place and has my best interest at heart.

When I asked her if she was still mad at me she said, “Nope.”

Of course, I still don’t know why she ever got mad at me in the first place, simply for asking to move. Just because it was a hectic night and she was feeling overworked; that was no reason to take it out on me. I’ll just give it right back to her next time.

I asked her to guess how many more days I had left, and as I figured she would, she guessed high at 57 when I really have 40 days left. We kind of have this little game we play. Then she was teasing me as she walked away about party hats and party streamers waiting for me at home. I couldn’t hear everything she said. Can’t hear shit in here and it pisses me off and it frustrates me.

M203 (my final move)

Dinner came an hour earlier, but I’m still going to go ahead with the lawsuit, and so’s Mary. Although it filled me, the portions were skimpy, we got no fruit or salad, and 11 hours between meals is still too long. We got a chicken patty with a fairly generous serving of instant mashed potatoes because that’s starch and two bites’ worth of veggies. We got crackers for dessert and a half-pint of milk. The amount we got couldn’t fill your average person. Fortunately for me, I fill up much faster than normal.

Anyway, I’m back in 3 where Johnson moved me last night at around 10:00. I didn’t even ask. She just moved me. This is the longest I’ve ever been alone here – one full week.

What happened was that that lady who speaks no English, who was here for a very brief time when Maria was here, returned last night. She obviously needs to be on the lower tier, so Johnson rolled me up, saying I’d still be alone, but I had to go to 3 where Silvia was getting ready to go to A Tower.

How incredibly sweet of Johnson to do this so I could still be alone! She made poor Silvia go to A Tower so I wouldn’t have to have a celly! I could hug her for it. Actually, I could do a little more than that, but I won’t get into that right now.

The story gets strange, though, and it involves Palma, but I’ll write about it later. I’m beat. Fell asleep late and got woken up for a million different things. Why does everything have to happen around here between 6 AM - 11 AM, including Myra’s mouth? I’m just glad I’m not vented to that mouth anymore!

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