Sunday, February 16, 2020

I feel horrible for Aly. She was supposed to get out of the hospital today or tomorrow but now her IBS is acting up and she’s got another partial blockage. This girl just can’t get a break! I would feel so cursed if I was her, but believe me, I already do when it comes to my anxiety. I wonder if she’s ever going to feel better more often and have fewer doctor’s appointments. I hope so for her sake!

My boobs are still sore and I felt anxious today and yesterday, even though I cut today’s pill. Now I’m back to thinking there’s something more going on besides just the medication. I wonder if it’s tied into these PMS symptoms. Either way, it’s very discouraging and frustrating. The longer I have these feelings, even if they’re intermittent and not consistent, the more I lose hope of them ever going away for good. Tom still feels sure they will. Well, if there was ever one thing and one thing only that I hope he gets right out of all the things he feels will and won’t happen, it’s that. Really hope this doesn’t turn into an actual period, but if it does, I’m looking at about a month of PMS since PMS gets longer and longer with age.

He was telling me he was reading about one of Holland America’s cruise ships being delayed in Asia due to the coronavirus thing and then he read that it was the Westerdam and was like, wow, I was on that ship. Yep, we were on it in 2006 when I won my first trip.

Speaking of firsts, I made my first tempura-battered mushrooms. It was SO good even though I didn’t make much because I was learning and ran out of oil. Had to use olive oil even though they recommend vegetable oil. I’ll make more some other time. It was delicious! I’m also going to get a screen splatter guard for when I’m frying things on the stove that make a mess.

We walked for 1.9 miles in 35 minutes. We would have hit the 2-mile marker had we gone all the way to the back of the park.

I was watching yet another Jodi Arias special on Hulu and was surprised that she’s got an appeal going that’s successfully gotten the prosecutor in her case, Juan Martinez, suspended on paid leave. I’m just surprised she was able to get it that far even though I don’t doubt there was at least some misconduct on his part. Those in law enforcement and those connected to the courts always think they’re invincible. I still think she’ll lose and that all that will happen to the guy in the end is that he gets a paid vacation of sorts. As twisted as our legal system often is, he’s been a prosecutor for decades, the courts protect their own, and they’re not going to side with him over a murderer. At least I can’t imagine they would.

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