Saturday, September 11, 2021

Had another productive day and the planes are driving me a little batty. What’s the point of having a complaint form if you’re not gonna do anything about it?

No test results yet on the patient portal, and with my luck, they’ll call when I’m at the dentist or before I’m up. I’m hoping they’ll just post the numbers on the portal rather than call, but of course they’ll call. Maybe after I tell them a few hundred times that I prefer to communicate online, it’ll sink in.

No hint of anxiety today so yeah, the wine is definitely connected. The day after I had the wine which was yesterday, I woke up exhausted even though I slept well. I was also borderline anxious in the middle of my day.

So we’ve begun the preliminary testing of the bed setup. We put soundproofing material underneath where the mattress goes and then inserted the mattress. Then we draped soundproofing material over the top and the side facing the street. So it’s still open at the head, foot, and one side. We rehung the blackout drapes until the bed is complete since we pulled sheets off the wall that extended over the windows. At that point, I’ll put up my new purple curtains.

Instead of wallpapering his room in blue, we got vinyl 3d white brick adhesive for the one wall that isn’t in the greatest condition and we’re going to leave his curtains alone for now. But he now has the bed I’ve been using.

He did some decibel testing using the sound of the microwave beeping. Without the soundproofing, it was a little over 40. With it, it brought it to just under 40 even though half of it is still open. I still have my doubts when it comes to the really loud thunder. It may be too late in the year to test that much.

Anyway, he was originally going to sandwich wooden boards with soundproof material and attach them to the frame but then he decided to go with a special kind of foam that will be easier to cut and lighter to handle. But it will still be rigid so it will be a lot easier to place than dropping the soundproofing sheets over the thing. I think the biggest challenge will be the doors and the ventilation.

The plan is to install the fan right into the headboard shelf. The thing is that if you’re completely sealed up in there, you could suffocate. I don’t know if you can do it in eight hours but I wouldn’t want to find out.

Once it’s all done, we’ll put the final cosmetic touches on. Not sure yet if we’re going to wallpaper the outside of the bed box or something else but we’re definitely going to wallpaper the walls of the room pink as previously planned.

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