Tuesday, November 9, 2021

OMG, I am so fucking pissed off right now! The couple across the street has arrived, also Canadians based on the American/Canadian flag they have flying, and they have a fucking motorcycle. Why? Why does this keep happening to me? Why, why, why do I always get the extremes?! There are maybe four or five motorcycles in this whole place if even that yet out of 150-something homes, I have to get stuck with one. Again, why is it always me that gets this shit? If anything up there really does have a neighbor/noise curse on me, fuck you. Just fuck you. Go fuck yourself a million times over!

They also have a huge dog which I’m surprised we haven’t heard yet but I don’t doubt that we will.

They rolled in just after midnight slamming doors, honking horns, and proving that they’re the exception to the rule Tom mentioned about Canadians having a reputation for being really nice. You’re not “nice” if you bring a motorcycle into a fucking retirement community of all places. These people obviously don’t give a shit about others as I learned last night. It wasn’t that they were deliberately honking but they have their key fob set up to honk every time they lock their truck doors which is a bit rude right there.

The truck, which I’m glad to say is quiet, pulled a large trailer that contained their motorcycle and a golf cart. They got rid of the trailer today. They’ve also got a grill set up, so I don’t expect these people to be remotely peaceful and I really worry that nothing we do to soundproof, be it the doghouse or the windows, is going to do me any good with that shit being just 50-60 feet away. That’s just way too fucking close no matter what we do. It isn’t much different than living next to a boom car stereo again. It might have actually been better if next door had the fucking thing because then their lanai would block some of the sound. Here it just goes straight across to the bedroom windows. Even worse is the fact that we could be stuck with them until April or May and not March.

All I can do is hope for a miracle and that they not only don’t use the thing every day but that the soundproofing ends up working better than I thought. Knowing I’m not usually that lucky has me wishing all the more that we’d just gotten land somewhere instead. In fact, after the major projects are done, I want to get the fuck out of here even if it means we’ve got to sell almost everything. I’m tired of having people so close with all the noise they make. We need to put between 200-300 feet between the wall of our house and other people’s. If you have to have things like dog houses in the first place, you’re in the wrong place. My sleep is the most important thing so if I have to give up the nicer weather so be it as I just don’t see how the hell I’m going to be able to sleep through this thing.

As much as I would have loved having Jessie as a neighbor, I don’t see the point in yet another park with the same old shit going on in it. I should have learned from the last park. Yes, this place is still quieter overall when they’re not doing projects but this shit is going to make up for it, especially if it isn’t a regular thing, and there are always planes and helicopters. Always. We just need to look for land in an area where there are no sonic booms.

Wouldn’t be surprised if the people next door, whenever they get here, also have a motorcycle. Maybe they’re buddies and go out riding together every day. The fact that this is the third time they’ve gone out in the truck gives me a little hope that the motorcycle won’t be the regular vehicle they use, especially since it is a couple, but they only just got here last night.

All I know is that retirement communities are definitely not what they used to be in the 80s when my parents first moved to one. You don’t have dogs left outside, you don’t usually have blasting music, you don’t have the screaming kids, but you have everything else so there really is no point in these places anymore.

My new bras are on the way along with a really cool partial-drill diamond painting that shows the back of a woman with a flowing peacock-designed gown.

Decided to say “no” to hopelessly trying to tolerate the 88s and am beginning to feel better despite the stress of what’s across the street. Wishing I could isn’t going to make me magically able to tolerate them. The endo Doc D recommended isn’t covered by this insurance but she’s going to be covered by the new insurance, so we’ll make an appointment as soon as we’re officially switched over to the new insurance.

Walgreens was kind of in shambles when we went to it earlier. They’re remodeling their store and planning to add doctors’ offices to it.

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