Sunday, October 18, 1992

I just glued into my journal cover the stickers that Andy had stuck all over the envelope of the Halloween card he sent me.

I finally got ahold of April who told me she got lost and also lost my number. I do believe her, but now that I gave her my number again, it’s up to her. I’ve done my fair share. Let her pursue me now.

I also spoke to Dad earlier. He’s glad to hear I’m all settled in here and like it much much better.

Tammy also called a few days ago. She’s bummed about not being able to work at the fire department, and was in the ER cuz of her knee.

I have so much to write in letters to her, mom and dad, but keep forgetting to mention every little thing I want to mention. I should make notes every time I think of something. I write to my family and Fran and Nervous quite frequently. I wish people would write to me more often. It’ll be months before I hear from my family or Kim again. I wonder why I haven’t heard from my niece Lisa.

I have several other things to write about like Velma’s cutting my hair, Moon Shadow, my neighbors, a package from mom and dad, the call we made to Robert, reading back in my journals, and whatever else I can think of.

I haven’t seen Mark at all which is cool. Soon I will leave him that red bra that ma sent that’s too big.

I may send ma back some pitiful clothes she sent to the 1st-floor apartment and possibly a tape of Andy singing in Spanish. Trying to, I should say. I may also send it to Kim as I don’t think she has the one of Andy singing in Spanish. I believe Andy made that tape after I sent Kim those 5 tapes. I know she got them OK as they weren’t returned to me and Fran got his.

I finally got a kitchen pail earlier in the evening when Andy and I went out food shopping.

Two nights ago I ran into Randy at the Jacuzzi and Robert who had nada to say.

Randy came up to see my new place and he also hooked up my VCR but we couldn’t program all the channels I want to. The reception’s sort of shitty.

I told him I had to junk my typewriter and that Andy said he saw an electric one for $25 at the thrift store. He mentioned checking it out.

He also told me that it was he who was leaving the TV guide at my door. He left it twice which was nice. I thought it was him or a guy named Mike I recently met. I do believe I mentioned Mike in one of the last two journals.

Randy is a very nice friend to have and is far from your typical male. This is nice for a change. He looks OK for being 40 years old and he made me think of Tammy as he’d be the type she’d go for if she were single. Then again she seems to prefer guys with a bite.

I bought a really nice notebook last week. A wireless one but I love the cover so much. I’ll put it on the wall when I’ve used it all up. It’s got music and neon-colored flowers and high-heel pumps. The paper is for writing to people like Fran and Nervous. I like to use my stationery for my family. Soon I’m gonna need to buy more, but maybe mom and dad will send some. I began with 72 sheets of stationery and now I only have 25 left.

After I moved and got the place all set up I finished the roll of film my parents sent. I took half a dozen shots of the apartment. I’d like them to send another roll so I can take pictures of myself in different outfits. Clothes they’ve sent and clothes I bought. I’m also gonna develop two copies myself. This way if any comes out bad I can pull them out. I’ll send one copy to mom to do whatever she wants with. The other copy, along with pictures Andy took a few months ago will be sent to Tammy, but she must send them back. After Tammy’s sent her copy back and if ma sends her copy back, I’ll distribute one copy between Fran and Nervous.

I made one call to Fran and two to Nervous from Ellie’s phone right before I moved. Ellie changed her number 5 days or so after I moved.


I just spoke to Tammy and gave her my idea. I suggested she sell my songs since she’s bummed out about the fire dept. and hard up for money. She’s got transportation and business know-how. She’s gonna think about it.

I also told her I predicted 4 things for mom and dad. One was close and the other 3 were a bust. Therefore, I wanted to do a distance test to see if that had anything to do with it. I don’t think it has anything to do with it except for in the beginning. Once you’re in tune with someone, that’s it, but I can see you’d have to re-learn tuning into them at a distance.

I told her the first thing I felt she couldn’t answer yes, no, or close, cuz it’s in the future. January should be her best money month. I asked if a little boy hurt his leg falling out of a tree or if anyone else ever fell out of a tree. She said not that she knew of. I also asked if Lisa came running out of her room screaming about a spider. She said no. Then, the last thing I asked was if Bill hurt his hand. She said yes, so that’s a start.

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