Monday, November 11, 2019

Had to play reboot games again for the monitor. Next time I move the TV and shelves out and just wait for my new computer! Took 15 fucking minutes to reboot, and as always, it had updates.

In other frustrating news, the fucking water was off for the millionth time yesterday for at least 4 hours that we know of. It was still off when we crashed. It’s only because I know they’ll spite us again that I keep my mouth shut and just deal with it. It’s only after we’re gone and they can no longer cost us another grand that I’ll speak my mind for whatever good it may do other than to just vent. For now, I’ve filled the portable bidet with water for the next time this happens. It isn’t until you install a bidet on your toilet that you realize just how gross and not nearly as clean wiping without rinsing is.

Really hate people that have a hold on me. Makes me feel like a kid again. Nothing I say will change things around here anyway. The park isn’t going to fix the pipes right. They’re not going to re-ban motorcycles. They’re not going to say no to loud vehicles. They’re not going to regulate landscaping so we don’t have to hear it every single fucking day. McClellan Airport isn’t going to stop flying their private planes over us. The pigs aren’t going to stop with their helicopters. And Sac Intl isn’t going to stop flying planes over my head for 19 hours at a time either. So while it may feel good to vent, I’m not going to do so until it can’t cost me anything.

The last of the recent annoyances is Sam’s. We got there a little before the optical department opened so we went to their little cafeteria where music was playing so loud you would think there was a live band somewhere in the store. Then a black guy was talking annoyingly loud on his cell phone right near us while his giant lady was singing more off-key than I ever sang as a kid before I had vocal training.

As I’ve wondered a thousand times, do people even realize how annoying they can be, or do they just not care?

After eating his not-so-great hotdog and my so-so pizza, I got my glasses and while all glasses suck, trifocals are much better for me than progressives. Progressives are okay if I’m going out walking or something like that, but I still hate how the sides of the lenses make things appear to be “swimming” and blurry. It’s much easier having something where I don’t have to look out of a tiny little specific spot in the lens to see what I want to see. I do kind of have to adjust my head and eyes to see out of the middle notch, which is mid-range, depending on what it is I’m looking at and how far away it is. Also, these frames don’t look so bad on me because I have such a huge round face, but they’re a little too big and heavy, weighing more on my cheeks than the bridge of my nose. But I definitely like them better overall even though I don’t plan to wear them as often as my mid-range lenses. The trifocals will be good for going out and doing certain tasks around the house like cleaning. I’ll wear them when I visit Dixie tomorrow morning. Looking forward to visiting with her and helping her sort her closets.

It’s been hard for me to break the habit of calling these entries journals and switch to blogs, figuring that blogs didn’t exist back in the 80s when I started doing this. But others seem to prefer the term blog, so I guess I might as well get with the times when blogs do exist and start calling them that as well. So, blog it is!

In this blog, I can say that we’re definitely having a very mild winter so far. I’m seriously beginning to wonder if it will ever rain again. We’ve only had a few days of rain since last spring. We still need the AC late in the afternoon, but if the 10-cast is correct, we won’t be needing it after the 20th.

I’m no longer going to be tracking because the only site that I know of that offers invisible trackers with state and city info has been really fucked up. I’m being redirected by their ads and constantly having to empty my cache in order to view their damn site. Besides, there isn’t really anything exciting to see where they’re concerned. It’s pretty much the same people and it’s not like I’m curious to see or hoping to catch a specific person. Lastly, the data is incomplete because of all the hiders out there. Only those running PB can see all my visitors and maybe even they can’t see everybody. Regardless, I wouldn’t bother to ask for that info because I know I would never get it.

My royalties are now $8 and change. If this trend keeps up, I could make about $20 a month on average. That’s absolutely pitiful but it’s better than what I was making before which could barely buy a loaf of bread. It’s also more than Bing and more than I could make these days on M-Turk.

Time to get dressed, work out, and clean! Love the way he set up the projector to display on the big screen where the mural used to be in the living room with the fire stick plugged into it. Now we can do exercise videos whenever we want and see the screen well. Both of us have given up counting calories and trying to lose weight. It’s just not going to happen for us. We’re focusing on ingredients and activity. As an older woman, I’m just as happy with my 30 extra pounds as I was to be just right 30 years ago (though sometimes I was underweight). As long as I keep active and feel good that’s all that matters. :-)

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