Sunday, December 1, 2019

Things are going great and Winnie is now just about completely configured and set up. There are only one or two features I’m missing that I’m unable to have on it. I’m getting the hang of how it works and used to things. There are some features I actually like better.

They said this computer came with Wi-Fi, but it didn’t. We decided it wasn’t worth sending back because we wanted a faster one than what it was supposed to come with anyway, so we ordered one. Some sites naturally run slow and there’s not much you can do about that, but it is much perkier in general. I can now enter tons of sweeps much faster than I could on the Mac. I entered about 50 sweeps last night that was about to expire. Things are definitely much snappier!

Although Netflix has a convenient app on this computer, so you don’t have to watch in a browser, we’re probably going to dump Netflix for a while and just keep Hulu a little longer. Everything is foreign stuff or documentaries/reality shows and it gets old.

Barely two days with an easier setup for working out and just what I feared would happen ended up happening yesterday. Some asshole crashed over the speed bump at 6 in the morning which left me with just 5 hours of sleep and too tired to work out. I would have slept two or three more hours. I slept nearly twice as long last night to make up for it and definitely have more energy today.

Didn’t hear the loud car yesterday but I heard it the day before. On Friday, the fire and water damage people were working on Lawrence’s place again, but it was just one van that day and it was in front of his place. Not between our places. As Tom pointed out and as I should have realized, he doesn’t have a leaky roof otherwise they would replace the roof before fixing the water damage. It was probably a pipe that broke and leaked.

It’s been cold and wet, but I love the sound of the rain and how quiet it keeps things.

Our new fitness trackers came yesterday, and they seem to work well and be quite informative compared to Fitbit except for when it comes to the blood pressure checker. That much is pretty worthless without being able to squeeze the arm or wrist. Trust me, I don’t have perfect blood pressure!

His is a bit defective and has trouble connecting to the mobile app. I tease him about the reason being that there’s a 4 in his device number.

We were laughing because of the different terms for the different weight levels. I’m a plumpy and he’s a fatty. I know some people would get offended by these terms but we’re okay with them because no matter what labels you may put on things, the same shit is always going to be underneath no matter what.

Because I couldn’t lose weight even if you starved me, my only real goal is to not gain anymore and so far I’m holding steady as long as I keep active. I’m at the point in life where weight loss isn’t my goal as opposed to keeping active and as healthy as possible. If I eat healthy at least 80% of the time, that’s good enough for me.

The thing has a step counter and a calorie tracker, but the calorie tracker works differently than Fitbit. This one records what you burn during activity rather than as a whole.

It also has an ECG, oxygen reader and different timers. It looks for sleep apnea as well, which neither of us has. I told it to share my health info with WhatsApp and Facebook, but I don’t see anything there.

Today we worked out together and I was on the treadmill for a while as well. The highest my HR went was 120 but I’ve only done low-impact stuff so far today.

I slept “very good” and deeply for 6 of the 9 hours I slept.

We’re going to wait until Monday to order, just in case there are any deals that day we want to take advantage of, but we’re getting these shoelaces that snap rather than tie. I’m not sure how they work until we actually get them, but they look cool and come with 4 pairs. He can have the gray and black and I’ll take the pink and green laces for my two pairs of running shoes.

I keep forgetting that Prosebox isn’t all or nothing. I can choose to set each individual entry at different security levels. So I decided to keep my old friends updated there from time to time but I can’t allow for comments because there are too many spammers about these days on seemingly every site in the world. Only generic stuff will be mentioned, of course. I coded the entries with trackers to see if it picks up any termites, but just because I can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there.

My nails are back to looking shitty and I still can’t figure out why. As my doctor verified, it doesn’t appear to be any kind of fungus or infection, but it does get worse the more I polish my nails. The question is why now? I’ve been obsessed with polishing my nails all my life. I also have one nail that appears to be lifting from the nailbed. He’s had that before, too.

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