Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Again with the skunks waking me up. Fucking ridiculous. We can’t get out of here fast enough! Especially now that our AC crapped out on us. OMG, what horrible timing! I hope to hell he’s right in thinking it’s a simple fix and that we don’t have to replace the whole damn thing. I would absolutely HATE to lose 5K just so we could basically buy HER a new AC. Her as in Debbie, the lady that bought our place. She came around with the inspector yesterday.

The inspector was nice for an inspector. Even though it took a few hours after he left for the AC to quit, I really hope he wasn’t somehow responsible. The biggest thing is that we’re out hundreds at most and not thousands.

Turns out a couple of drain pipes are leaking and there are tons of dryer lint and leaves underneath the house. We knew about the dryer lint. The people that inspected the place for us eight years ago told us about it but we weren’t worried because there’s no source of ignition down there that could start fires.

Debbie also had the inspector measure the rooms which she said would be for furniture. She’s going to have the place painted before she moves in. She was smartly dressed (a lesbian?) with a beautiful diamond necklace that must have cost a fortune, and after living in her nearly half a million-dollar home for 37 years, we’re guessing she has a lot of money. It’s going to be just her and her two cats, just like Nancy.

She asked that we leave the bench swing on the patio, and we had planned to leave that along with the table Bob gave us. I get the impression she’s going to pay for what she wants to be done but we don’t know for sure because we’re not familiar with the whole process and all that. I just worry that she may be the type to demand this and that at the last minute like the couple that bought our Phoenix house did. I sure hope not! So we don’t know for sure who’s paying for what and what the costs are going to be. I would just hate to lose a good chunk of the sale money! Her place is in escrow and she can’t pay us until she receives the money from the sale of her house. Right now it’s still looking like we’re going to leave at the end of the month. It just can’t come fast enough!

Thanks to his smart thinking, we’re not going to stay at a vacation rental but just get into a hotel instead. We would hate to rent a place for a couple of months just to find it’s noisy or there’s something wrong with it and not be able to get out right away. Yes, it’s the offseason but that doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be college kids on break that are partying it up or something like that in vacation rentals or large rowdy families.

Anyway, he ran and got the portable AC out of the storeroom. Thank God we got that thing! In about 10 minutes, he had it in the bedroom window. He stayed up late and left me a message telling me not to freak by the open windows, reminding me that he sprayed not long ago. Bugs are the least of my concerns now. It’s how much money we’re going to lose that I’m worried about. He called someone but they didn’t get back to him because it was just after five. As I said, this is horrible timing in many ways. We’re just days away from moving, we’re having a heatwave, and it was at the end of the day. Right now, after 4 a.m., it’s a chilly 74 in the bedroom and a comfy 77 outside of it. The breeze feels nice. 77 is too warm for sleeping, though. 75 with a fan is doable but even that’s a bit warm. I sleep best at 68 to 72 but I don’t expect to ever be in temps that low again except for maybe a few days out of the year where we’re going.

Been looking at places on both sides of the state and right now there’s an older house in a small town listed as being in a “low” noise zone with nothing behind it and it’s definitely more appealing even if it’s a little more expensive than the Ormond Beach one that was a much newer house. Houses are selling like crazy now so I don’t expect them to be on the market when it comes time. No matter how great that soundproofing material that was designed by NASA may be, I would really prefer to get a little breathing room around us and not be so tightly flanked by streets and houses like the park the newer house is in.

We ran out to Safeway before the inspector came and Marie checked in after I posted a journal entry. But it showed that she made two page views so maybe one of them was a story chapter. I post a chapter when I get up and one toward the end of my day. I’ll do this until I have all my books posted in my second account.

I didn’t have any anxiety yesterday but my heart beat a little hard for a while. I’m hoping it’s only because I’ve gotten a little out of shape from being too tired to work out.

We ordered the Brazil nuts which I figured Safeway wouldn’t have. They will arrive today. Fucking $15 for a pound.

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