Wednesday, December 15, 2021

As shitty as I feel, I better catch up on my writing before I get too behind. We both got our Pfizer booster shots at Walgreens yesterday and we’re both feeling it too. Especially him. He has a fever of 100 and all kinds of symptoms. For me, I just have a sore arm and fatigue and that overall feeling we get when we come down with something that we feel in our head. My body is also a little stiff and achy, but not too bad.

They didn’t mow yesterday, so that makes two weeks in a row. I also noticed that they took down the flag across the street. Would you do that if you were only going to be gone past Christmas? I’m guessing they probably would, and that they’re still going to return after Christmas.

There’s been a pair of cranes that come around regularly. We saw Toni feeding them one time. Tom named them Romeo and Juliet. They hung out in the front yard for a while while he did some things in that area and they seem to be pretty brave overall.

Created an Etsy account and now I’m creating inventory. They recommend starting with at least 10 pieces. I’m going to be buying some diamond painting sets and maybe selling some framed and some unframed. I have a set with flowers and another with ocean sunsets. I figured both of these would be popular, and if none of them sold, I wouldn’t be stuck with something ugly. Diamond paintings aren’t something you throw together in a weekend, so it’s going to take time.

I got a thimble to make my sequin art easier, but I don’t know that I’ll have the energy to do either one today.

The inside of the doghouse is so ugly so we ordered pink floral contact paper for that. Our beach umbrella should arrive today. It still cracks me up to know that at the very moment I was swimming in the ocean it was 37 degrees and snowing in Klamath Falls. LOL.

It appears that Molly’s Twitter account has been hacked, so since I just couldn’t get into the voice tweets anyway and they seldom got any listens, I decided I would shut three of my five Twitter accounts down because I just don’t use them much. I’m going to have a private one I use for everything and anything, and then my health account. That one is public.

While the taking of women’s rights is still a horrible thing And will certainly open the door for other rights to be taken (I’m guessing they’ll gut gay and lesbian rights next), I finally see some good that could come of it. This is gonna cause a bigger push for abortion pills, and while I’m sure they’ll find some way to control that as well, it may make it easier for women to get abortions that are just as safe in the privacy of their own homes where they’re less likely to get hassled than if they go to a clinic.

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