Friday, March 27, 1992

After giving my number out to several people, I figured sooner or later I’d get pranks. It wasn’t your typical prank, however. I must back up a bit at the beginning. About a week ago I ended up talking to a very pretty woman in Price Rite. The conversation about a band came up. She said she knew people so I gave her my number. A few days ago the girl (Laurie) called from her phone. I spoke to a guy named Lyle who said he didn’t have a phone but lived next door to Laurie. They both have two kids and live with them by themselves. This guy Lyle explained how he isn’t in the band but helps set up equipment and get gigs, I guess. The guy that heads the band is Rick and he lives in Willimantic while he and the other 3 members live here in Norwich. I explained how I had no car and wanted to meet here as I feel funny about jumping into a car with people I don’t know. He said he understood as he mentioned they were all at some club that night trying to get weekly gigs and he was gonna go there. He asked if I wanted to go and Laurie did too, but she was to be busy. So, then I mentioned where I live and he lives 4 doors down. Neat, huh? Laurie lives here too, and Barb knows them. Lyle came over and we talked for a while. I explained upfront about my being anti-drugs and wanting to keep business separate from pleasure. He said he understood and no one in the group even smoked cigarettes. He said Rick was a quiet friendly guy and they work together as mechanics and grew up together. Fine, I said but I wanted to meet him here. He said he’d talk to Rick and give him my number. A couple of days ago he knocked on my door but I didn’t answer cuz I was too tired. I was awake but had only slept 3 hours. Then Barb called saying Lyle was over there at her place and I spoke with him. I haven’t spoken to him since then and I was gonna stop over at his place today but he was out. I will go over to his place tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I got a call from what I think was a teenage guy. One claimed to be 17 and another to be 14. There were 3, 4, or maybe even 5 high school kids, I guess. They never stated my name, age or address and even said they forgot my number, then remembered it. They said, or one guy did, he was Lyle’s cousin. He didn’t live here but knew Barb and a few others and that Lyle and Barb were at this bar. Performing or not, I do not know. Was their band there, I have no idea. Or were they just there to be there? They never were perverted in any way. They asked what my age was. Did I think I was pretty? Am I married? Who am I talking to? Will I marry him? He loves me, etc. He knows 5-6 gay people, males and females, listened to the edits and was read mumbo-jumbo by me.

We spoke a few times and he got several calls in between. I know there was no way they were next door. They don’t have call-waiting next door. Plus, with so many people and loud voices, I surely would’ve heard them. It was fun and brought old-time fun back since I can’t afford to get my ass in trouble. I told them to call anytime they want and to entertain my machine if I don’t answer.

Now, I have a shocking thing to tell and a nice thing. The shocker is, I got a check in the mail for $30 from Brenda! How nice. For the stereo. She didn’t have to do that. I mean, she could’ve said, “What the fuck?” She bought me lots of stuff and I’d forgotten all about it and figured she had too. It’s perfect timing as I have no money until the 1st. Here’s where it gets weird, though. I called to thank her and I know it was she who answered. I told her I got the check and she goes, “Did you?” Then, the line went dead. I’m not too sure whether it did go dead or if she hung up. If she hung up, why? I tried calling back and it rang and rang and rang. Then all I got was a busy signal. I’ll try again tomorrow and if I can’t reach her, I’ll write to her.

I also got a letter from Kim.

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