Sunday, September 10, 2000

My measurements are ridiculous: 36-28½-35½ with 21” thighs. The thighs are doing better, and losing over 2” in the thighs in 5 months is good, but losing a measly 1½ in the waist is pitiful. So is my waist size relative to my tits and hips. If my tits and hips are going to be 35-36, my waist should be much smaller. It should be a 23-24 period. Especially at my height. I’d happily settle for a 25, though. Nonetheless, I’m never gonna be the 33-23-33 I’d like to be with 18” thighs. Tom thinks I’ve lost a sufficient amount of fat and inches in the last 5 months, but I feel it went too slow, and that I’m stuck where I am right now. October 1st is getting closer, and once again, if I still haven’t lost any more weight by then, I’m going to move into the maintain status. I’ve got mixed emotions about this; yes, I want to lose more weight and get smaller, but I’m so sick of all this hard work! Things could be worse, though. I could be 150-200 pounds like your average American woman. Well, I’m definitely not your average American or even non-American woman. Most women have kids. Hell, I can’t even sleep with my own husband I’m such a light sleeper, and I can’t even have a normal sex life.

The renters took a Saturday off and didn’t blast off last night. Haven’t heard from Dan either, but I keep the fans on during the late afternoons/early evenings, and all day on weekends.

My ink died so I wrote by hand letters to Paula and mom, Mary and Dave, although I’d already had a few pages printed for Paula. I just wish she’d write back! At least once a month. If she doesn’t work, how can this be asking too much of her? How can it be asking too much even if she did work? I wish she’d write monthly, not just to let me know what’s going on with her, but to let me know she’s alive and getting my letters. How do I know she isn’t dead or in jail/prison and not getting the letters when I don’t hear from her for months at a time? If I don’t hear from her in another month or two, I should probably stop writing till and if I do. I don’t want to be sending letters she may not be getting and have all my time, money and work go to waste.

I finally got Tom to dust and vacuum his office. He even neatened it up a bit, but it won’t last. By the end of the day, the room will be chock full of junk again.

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