Monday, December 16, 2013

Had a dream last night about preparing to leave for Hawaii, a flurry of activity as I bid farewell to our pet rats. In typical dream fashion, our house appeared vastly different from reality.

Yesterday, Tom and I kept busy, and despite some discomfort in one leg during my run, I pushed through. Today, I'll focus on household chores and my usual tasks, giving my muscles a day to recover.

Our search for plant pots at Walmart proved fruitless, but Tom had a stroke of genius, suggesting decorative wastebaskets instead. We reinforced them with chains before applying expanding foam to create sturdy bases. However, one basket seems unstable, requiring further attention. Despite their unconventional appearance, the plants look surprisingly lush. I may tweak them slightly to improve their aesthetics.

While cleaning the kitchen's plastic panels, we discovered the ubiquitous popcorn ceiling and discussed the possibility of installing recessed lighting in the future. A mishap resulted in a cracked panel, leading us to explore decorative alternatives, settling on scenic designs featuring skies and trees.


I find myself feeling a mixture of nerves and irritation towards an ongoing source of frustration in my life—Molly. Just as I began to entertain the hope that her situation at Marbridge was improving, she resorted to blatant lies and delusions. While her previous blog entries about me using only my first name were of little consequence, her recent use of my full name on a platform as searchable as crosses a line.

This pattern of behavior has persisted for far too long. While Molly hasn't divulged personal information like my address or social security number, her malicious falsehoods are deeply troubling. Despite the lack of direct threats, her actions constitute defamation, and I'm tempted to take legal action. However, the law offers limited recourse since she hasn't explicitly threatened me.

I'm frustrated by the powerlessness I feel in the face of Molly's erratic behavior. Sometimes, I wonder if more drastic measures are necessary to stop her. Her Internet access should be revoked given her unstable mental state and history of troubling behavior. Yet, the institutions responsible for her care seem oblivious to the severity of the situation.

I've reached out to Marbridge and Thoughts, though the latter's dysfunctional platform leaves me doubtful of any meaningful response. It's disheartening to confront the indifference and ineffectiveness of those tasked with managing such situations. Molly's actions are a stark reminder of the vulnerability inherent in online interactions, especially when individuals exploit anonymity to inflict harm.

Her blog continues to be filled with the same tired delusions and falsehoods. Despite her claims of never visiting my pages, it's blatant nonsense. I have evidence to the contrary. Whether she genuinely can't recall or if she's convinced herself of being an innocent victim, or perhaps someone else is involved, such as Kim or her peers from the group home, the possibilities are endless. What I can affirm is that my provider can vouch, unequivocally, that I am not engaging in any form of bullying toward her.

"Why can't Jodi be nice to me?" she asks Aly. Well, Jodi wants nothing to do with this troubled individual, but she fails to grasp that. I'm actively trying to distance myself from her, hoping she'll forget about me, yet we're nearing five years of enduring this ordeal. Whether she knowingly fabricates lies or genuinely believes I'm targeting her is beyond comprehension. There's no reasoning with someone so unstable. The only way to curtail her online harassment is to keep her offline entirely. Yet, why has this not been realized by now?

Andy suggested laying low for a year, but it's not as simple as that. While I can limit her ability to contact me and obscure my online presence, the accounts still exist. She persists in checking them daily, and I fear she'll continue maligning me for years to come, regardless of my efforts to ignore her. Despite my reluctance and disdain for feeling controlled by her, I've deactivated my accounts on Ask and Twitter and made my blogs private. It's disconcerting how fearless she appears. Even if she knew that spying on me could lead to legal consequences, I doubt it would deter her. I've become more than an obsession to her; I'm an addiction. I'm attempting to starve that addiction by remaining as invisible as possible. While I won't delete every account and create new ones under false names, I'm cautious of those who may provide her with information.

She claims to be unable to log into Thoughts, a claim I'm inclined to believe given the platform's glitches. However, her blog will likely remain for six months before deletion, a period during which her lies will be accessible to all. Aly expresses sympathy for her, but my patience for this individual has long since expired. Whether her behavior stems from childhood trauma or innate instability is irrelevant; it does not justify her stalking, harassment, and deception.

As Aly informed me, she's currently on vacation. She likely rushed to my sites upon her return, using an unblocked IP. I've taken measures to block her access on Blogger and made my LiveJournal private. Though my actions may have little impact, I felt compelled to make a public post, even though I contemplated contacting her mother through Tom's account. Ultimately, I refrained, recognizing the futility of such actions. I fear I may have to confront this issue in Texas eventually; it seems I'm the only one capable of remedying this situation. Despite her egregious behavior, no laws have been violated. It's akin to cursing in anger; morally wrong but not illegal. Similarly, while I detest unwanted intrusion into my blogs, there's no law prohibiting her from checking my accounts.


Our neighbors have returned from their second outing of the day, likely settling in for the remainder of the day.

At times, I question my friendship with Andy. His judgmental and immature behavior, coupled with occasional annoyance, makes me reconsider our connection. Yet, when confronted, he deflects blame onto me. A part of me wishes he'd grow tired of me and end our friendship, but I doubt it'll happen unless I deliberately push him away. If I ever reach that point of frustration, I might simply walk away. However, I fear he'll cling to me, reminiscent of situations with Tammy, and potentially morph into someone akin to Molly or Kim.

Molly, indulge in your stalking spree while you're home with Mommy and Daddy because as soon as you return to Marbridge, you're officially offline! Yes, yes, yes! I wouldn't have known this if not for Aly, who seems rather distressed over her punishment and spent a good half-hour bouncing around on the one blog she can access, particularly my entry aimed at her mother. If Aly knows about the restriction, then surely Mommy Dearest is aware too. Perhaps the witch will keep her daughter offline at home as well.

What's disheartening is the knowledge that Molly will eventually regain her online privileges. When will these "experts" realize that some people truly never change? She lacks any understanding of right, wrong, fact, or fiction. It's as if they expect a miracle to occur one day, believing that if they give her just one more chance, she might not mess it up. Perhaps not immediately, but sooner or later, the stalking, lies, delusions, and even threats will resurface, no matter how many chances they give this lunatic.

Alison mentions that Kim still denies following my blogs, yet occasionally, she'll casually reference something I've written, proving she's just as much a liar as Molly. When Molly denies viewing my blog, Alison reminds her about the tracker, which usually prompts silence. Alison suspects Kim might be using a prepaid phone, making her activities less traceable. She confirms that Kim enjoyed following my tweets and my followers there because she knew I couldn't track her there. It's unsettling to realize that my friends are also under her scrutiny.

I've also learned that Kim lives with other family members besides her mother, sharing a two-family house with Carol and her family upstairs, while Kim and her mother reside downstairs. I've tried to obtain Kim's IP address and physical address from Alison just in case, but she keeps delaying, citing reasons like searching for it on an envelope. Nevertheless, if there was ever a time I appreciated Alison's connection with Molly, it's now. I value her updates on both trolls, allowing me to stay one step ahead of them.


Crazy is crazy, and there's no unraveling the mysteries of insanity. I understand this. What frustrates me about Molly isn't just her puppy-like following (though it's a tad creepy), but the lack of close monitoring of her. According to Mommy Dearest, they didn't allow her back online as I had assumed; she snuck online.

I was concerned that they might have discovered my Prosebox account because this morning, a couple of Molly's page views showed as "No Landing Page." However, I realized that was her attempt to access my Blogger blog, which I had apparently made private just minutes before she returned home last night. I wasn't aware of her return until I saw her hometown on my log.

Prosebox doesn't provide detailed page info, only the countries that visit. LiveJournal offers a bit more detail, and of course, Blogger is incredibly detailed when set to public, practically notifying me if someone sneezes while reading my blog!

Anyway, there's been no sign of her on my tracker, so I may consider resurrecting my Twitter and Ask accounts sometime soon.

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