Friday, April 10, 2020

Crashed a little earlier last night, even with a second cup of coffee at the end of my day and slept forever. Like 10 hours or maybe a little more. I still didn’t beat yesterday’s wake-up time by much. I don’t know why I’ve been sleeping so long but it doesn’t seem to hurt me, so I’m not worried. I can’t remember my dreams even though I know I had several.

Tomorrow I’m not going to get much sleep because it’s trash day. :( In a year from now, I will hopefully never have to worry about trash day interfering with my sleep. The island is still closed off but I know they’re going to go by the house to get to Blucher.

I went out walking today and again it was cloudy but nice. Just one small plane went by. It was low enough that I could see its wheels.

We transferred songs onto my phone from my computer and I’m using the music player I used on my old phone. I didn’t realize it would cost money to use a playlist on YouTube because as I left the house it would switch from Wi-Fi to data.

I got a 15-day skincare sampler called Reversol in the mail today. It’s quite a generous sample, too. It comes with a cleanser, moisturizer, and mask.

Low-carb diets really are amazing. In two days I lost the two pounds I had gained simply by returning to unprocessed and low-carb stuff. No hunger, no effort. WAY easier than going low-cal. Sometimes I think maybe I should really try to stick to it since it’s easier than a low-cal diet, and see if I really can lose more than a few pounds after doing it for a couple of months or so, but nope. This is my size/weight, and this is how it stays. :-) Seeing that there are so many women half my age wearing dress sizes in the 20s, I don’t think being a size 12 is really all that bad. Plus, I can always change my mind later on if I want to. Right now it’s just not a top priority of mine. Simply not gaining is enough for me at the moment.

We changed the pigs’ liners today. This is definitely the best setup we’ve had so far. It’s the easiest on us and the least smelly. I still wouldn’t have gotten them if I’d known we were going to move sooner than I thought, even though I’ll miss how they squeal excitedly when they hear me get up. As soon as I step out of the bedroom - Week! Week! Week! Week!

It was nice not to wake up to any messages from doctors’ offices today. I remembered another thing my GYN told me when I last saw her in person about the biopsy. She said something about filling or inserting something that enlarges the uterus. This was never brought up when I talked to them a couple of days ago. As I said, the entire story had pretty much changed. First they knock everybody out for this and then nope, they just go in there with you wide awake and cut a piece of your uterus. That would be like having teeth pulled without Novocaine!

I haven’t been as congested since I ran out of incense. Well, I didn’t exactly run out. I just ran out of the fragrances I like. I’ve been using the diffuser in the kitchen and the wax warmer in the bedroom. I just switched from First Winter Blizzard to Strawberries & Cream. Peach Blossom is going in the kitchen after I had Vintage Rose going.

Worked on my story a bit earlier and I don’t think this one is going to be as good The Landlord. But I’m going to finish it either way. I hate unfinished stories.

I finally decided to just come out and ask Aly who she was referring to when she tweeted about thinking of ghosting someone. The fact that she had the tweets public for a little while told me she wanted the person she was talking about to see them.

Well, she claims it was a real-life friend but she didn’t have to ghost them because after a week of not hearing from them, they proved not to care and she deleted them from her contacts. I’m not sure I buy it. Why couldn’t she have told me this from the get-go? And why would she have to think about ghosting someone who was apparently ghosting her first? Why would she have to do a better job of making herself harder to find if this person was ignoring her to begin with?

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