Wednesday, April 21, 2021

I’m glad Derek Chauvin was found guilty. I never believed the pig intentionally tried to kill the thug, but it was still murder. I think the jury knew they had to convict either way if they didn’t want the riot from hell on their hands which is exactly what would have occurred.

No one wants to believe this, of course, but had both parties been white, it never would have made the news and the pig never would have stepped foot in a courtroom either. If you’re white, Jewish, or gay, no one gives a shit about you.

Meanwhile, the pigs will never change. They’ll keep killing whites, blacks, and everything in between, but we’ll only hear about the blacks because that’s what the media chooses to focus on and all the general population cares about and is willing to show support for.

Anyway, I’m more grateful that my face is still intact than anything else at the moment! We went to Rite Aid yesterday where I decided to try a bottle of Barefoot’s bubbly Pink Moscato champagne. I set it down on the kitchen counter when we got back and untwisted this metal enforcer that was securing the cork. I dropped the thing on the floor and as I went to pick it up, I heard what sounded like a gunshot! I then stood straight up and found that the cork had been blown right out of the bottle and straight up into the ceiling, smashing one of the plastic panels in the drop-down ceiling. I could see the shadow of the cork rocking back and forth in the center of what was left of the panel.

As much as I’ve always hated the drop-down ceiling, I was kind of grateful for it since it may have damaged the ceiling had it not been there to strike first. The panels are easier to replace than fixing the ceiling would be.

But what I’m definitely most grateful for is the fact that the damn thing didn’t hit me had I been standing over it at the time! It could have easily taken out an eye, broken my nose, or shattered my teeth. Maybe even killed me if it hit just the right spot. So I am grateful as hell right now! I don’t know if anything was looking out for me or if I just got plain lucky but damn am I grateful.

I’m already not doing a great job with getting stricter when it comes to eating less and moving more. I’m doing better but not perfect because hey, I like to live! I need my treats every few days or so and I do have a slow metabolism and am older so I’m likely to keep gaining for the rest of my life anyway, so I’ll just live with it since I’m gonna die someday just the same and don’t want to deal with hunger or deprivation of variety forever. I want to live and enjoy things and if turning into a giant means that’s the price I eventually have to pay for it, so be it. Hell, even skinny people who are more active than me sometimes become diabetic, and just because I’m fat doesn’t mean I will. But since I can only lose a few pounds anyway and I don’t mind myself as I am, why try to change anything? Why not just keep being active most days, eating healthy most days, and leaving the rest to fate?

So yesterday we shared a bag of Cheetos and with Walmart’s delivery this morning I’ll be getting a candy bar. 80% of what I eat is still good stuff so I’m entitled to live a little.

I’m also getting my light pad and waxless drills today so I’m looking forward to that as well!

The moving dreams have begun! I’m hoping that’s a sign that it’s getting close because that’s how it usually works with those prone to dream premonitions is that the closer you get, the more likely you are to dream about an upcoming event, even if it doesn’t happen exactly as in the dreams. But I usually get some meaningful signs before moves.

In the dream, we just moved into our new house, although I don’t know where it was, how old, or how big. I fell asleep in a large room that looked similar in size to my bedroom but I don’t think that was the bedroom. I think it was the living room and that we just didn’t have my bedroom set up. At one point during my sleep, I opened my eyes and found Tom had set up a few shelves. Then when I got up for good, I found he decided to stagger them instead. I have no idea how the hell I slept through that, lol. There was also a white plastic hole in the top part of the wall that I knew was some kind of smoke detector.

I got up and he was up sitting at his computer in the adjacent room. I walked down the hall toward the living room and kitchen that was set up sort of similar to this place. We had one rat and I was asking where he was after pulling a chain to a light in the living room. Unable to find him even though Tom told me he was there, I went into the kitchen.

My brain was all fucked up because I couldn’t think of the proper commands for Alexa. So I simply told her, “Alexa, do my medication.”

Then I said something about how I couldn’t wait to get a mural even though it would probably take us forever to get it.

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