Saturday, June 3, 2000

Eight weeks of working out and I’m still within the area I started. My tits, waist and thighs are down about an inch, but my hips are up. Tom says I’m losing weight in pockets, which is normal, and that it takes a long time to really see results. He said I probably won’t see noticeable changes in my hips till after 24 weeks of working out (not till October). I still think I’m going to pretty much maintain my measurements and that I’ll never drop below 120 pounds. Especially with all I eat. I eat 1500 – 2000 calories a day, which is almost like eating like a pig for someone my age and height.

I saw Gloria for a few minutes on TV last night and she looked lousy. Her face and body looked good, thanks to modern clothes, makeup, plastic surgery and lots of exercises, but her hair was horrendous. It was way too short.

We’re so cursed with foul smells in this house! First, there was the foul smell in the small bath which Tom took care of, then there’s the unidentified smell in the big bath that seems to come in the afternoons, and yesterday, the vents smelled like there was stale water in them like when you first turn on an evaporative cooler after you haven’t used it for a while. So then Tom came up with a great idea. To put an old closet stick-up inside the return air opening. However, the stick-up was pretty wimpy so I sprayed perfume in and it made the whole place smell really nice, but only for a little while.

I had Tom set up the headphones for the old TV in the living room since our new TV doesn’t have a headphone jack. That way I can hear the movies I tape better over the animal’s movements.

I decided to make a few changes to my parents’ copy of Burned Soul and I changed the characters’ names to names they’d know. Anne, the central murderous character, is going to be Doe in their copy. I also changed the epilogue a bit too, saying how Doe grew up to be a lousy mother, etc. In other words, it’ll be an epilogue she could relate to very well if she reads the story. I made sure to assign names of people I despise to characters Doe kills.

I remembered to tape today’s Carol movie, but I’m sure it’ll suck because it’s a 1977 movie set in the 1920s and it’s a comedy. I don’t dig comedies, westerns, science fiction or romance. I like mysteries, crime, horror, and drama.

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