Tuesday, July 16, 2013

For one who usually does two journal entries a day, I guess I really am slacking off. Been so busy but loving it! I was so exhausted from all that’s been going on and that I’ve been doing that I slept for 10 hours, only waking up once to pee. It only took me two days to get used to sleeping here. I no longer wake up so often either, especially during the daytime. Not having to go to sleep wondering if the Jes pest would be down to bug me or not certainly helps when I’m on nights.

Speaking of that pest who lives in the pre-internet days and always outdoors, when Tom went up to get the last few things and do any car maintenance on Saturday that can’t be done here till we get the garage up, he told him we were great renters and all that. LOL, well, we won’t miss his dumpy old trailer and the serious lack of space! We could easily cut about a third of space off from this place and still have plenty of room. There’s no way in hell this thing is 1300 square feet like they were arguing over. It’s noticeably bigger than our Phoenix house, which was about 1200 square feet without the garage. This place is definitely no smaller than 1500 square feet.

Jesse said it’d be a couple of months before he rented the place cuz he’s going to install new flooring and do the painting and roofing he’s been talking about doing for years. He also said Maryann was anxiously asking about the shed and he said he’d make her clean the trailer for it, LOL. She’s got her work cut out for her. We didn’t leave much behind other than the futon and a few odds and ends, but the kitchen and bathroom are dirty and she needs to vacuum unless Jesse re-carpets. He should, too!

Meanwhile, it took me 9 whole hours to clear the crap out of the kitchen that they left behind. Yeah, I was kinda pissed, though I understand it might’ve been too hard for them to do because they were sad. Gene and Audrey didn’t leave because they wanted to; they left because they got too old to live here. Still, their kids should have cleaned up after them or maybe a friend.

Most of the stuff is going to Goodwill, but they did leave a few useful items. I’ll get into them another time. Right now I have to get back to work. Today I’m working our stuff into the kitchen and washing anything that needs washing first. So nice to have a dishwasher again after 9 years!

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