Thursday, January 29, 2015

Oh boy, oh boy! Guess whose metabolism is showing its first signs of life in a while? Still don’t expect to lose much weight, but when my metabolism was barely moving, a lousy cup of coffee could bump me up a pound. No joke. I just had my coffee AND a large power bar and got jumped only half a pound.

I just hope I don’t go through the “pocket flare” nightmare again till my antibodies finish killing the damn thyroid off altogether. I’d rather gain 100 pounds and go totally bald. Had no idea so many drugs caused hair loss. When I’d think of drugs and hair loss, all that would come to mind was chemo. At least I’ve been more heart happy than last night. Last night got a little annoying. I also had this strange sensation for about a half-hour in my left upper and lower arm that kind of felt like a sunburn.

screams with delight after another weigh-in It’s alive! It’s alive! It’s exciting to see my body start responding the way it should. Not even an hour after that coffee and power bar, my body burned and spit it off and fell back down the half a pound it had come up. In the past, my weight could hover for hours in the same spot even WITHOUT eating and WITH exercise.

I didn’t buy it when I read this article, and I still don’t cuz I’ve never seen a thin person with Hashimoto’s, but where I believed you couldn’t be thin even with stabilized treatment, it said we usually go back to where we were before we got “hashed.” jaw drops That’d put me between 100-110 AND sometimes having to struggle to eat more so as not to lose too much what with how active I am. I just don’t see that, though. Genetics and age are still a factor in things. Just as long as it doesn’t kill me along the way.

For now, it is nice to know I can go back to enjoying weekend treats without worry if I want to. I swear, though, until yesterday my body was STILL trying to burn the cupcake I ate last Christmas, LOL. Hopefully, I’ll stop “turning to ice” soon too, and retaining enough water to cure the Cali drought.

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