Friday, January 23, 2015

Well, my nerves just got turned up a notch or two. When I got up at 7:30 I found that they posted a bunch of documents on the health site. Most contained information from the past, but one had me reeling with shock as well as nervous as hell, and that was the one with my endo doc’s recommendation given that my TSH is at 27.77. She now wants me to take 50 micrograms 5 days a week and 100 micrograms 2 days a week. My initial reaction is, is she trying to kill me or has she just lost her mind? But supposedly, this latest adjustment is in light of the trouble that I had with a daily dose of 75 micrograms. The thought of going over 75 even for just two days a week terrifies the shit out of me. Five minutes would be enough to scare me. I do not want to have those effects again with the booming, racing heart and the severe anxiety from hell like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Imagine somebody kicking your door in and holding you at gunpoint and how utterly terrified you’d be. Well, that’s exactly how this “artificial fear” feels to me. I dread the thought of going through it for just one minute, it is that bad. I kind of wish that was a typo, but I know it wasn’t. I’m just really surprised. I really thought she’d up me to 50 most days and have me do 62 on days I wasn’t doing 50. The doses go in 12-microgram increments.

Had to play a bit of phone tag with the office just to get the damn information and was a little dismayed that they weren’t more prompt about it, even though it’s nothing urgent. Supposedly I was sent an email but I never got it. Funny because Alison said she sent an email I never got either.

The doctor wants me to have blood work and then to see her in eight weeks, but another disappointment is that she’s so booked up that I can’t see her until April 15th. If by some miracle there are no problems before then, I will visit the vampire at least a week before seeing her.

In other news, it was mostly quiet yesterday after 1.5 hours of landscaping. That’s only because the garage guy wasn’t home all day. My impression is that he’s a younger guy (in his 50s or 60s as opposed to his 80s) who’s still working, and all the racket coming from the garage has to do with that. He’s home today and the garage door is open so I’m sure he’ll be going at it today building whatever the fuck it is he builds. But I am no longer working in the laundry room where it can be heard the loudest.

The guy that was sawing last weekend and that rarely saws must be on vacation. I saw him - or somebody - pull up in front of that house with a long silver pole, a ladder, and something that almost looked like a flat broom, but I’m sure that’s not what it was. They didn’t make much noise and they weren’t around for long, whoever they were. I don’t know, maybe they were cleaning gutters or something. Anyway, the reason I wonder if they’re on vacation is that I saw Bob walk up to the house, go around the side to the back of the garage, open the garage door, and then take their trash out which is to be picked up today.

There is some good to the day and that’s that Alexa has finally arrived. Looking way forward to playing with her! Yes, I know how that sounds. I’m talking about Amazon Echo’s Alexa, though. :)

So it isn’t just me. Tom agrees that today’s music all sounds the same. It sucks when you’re bored shitless by today’s music but you’re sick of oldies at the same time.

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