Wednesday, February 4, 2015

When I got up I commanded Alexa to set the timer for 40 minutes (meds must be taken on an empty stomach), and then I told her to set the alarm for 4 hours later when it’d be ok to take my vitamins.

As soon as Tammy told me that her doctor said that she might have to move because her allergies are so bad I said that’s it! We’re not moving to Florida. Here all I have to do is snort up on my Nasalcrom a couple of times a week and that’s enough to prevent the massive sneezing attacks. But she is now on THREE different medications for that and is still being told that she may have to move even though she swears she’s not going anywhere. Although we were only in Maui for a week, I never had any problems there with allergies at all. Maui is also not as humid as Florida. It’s like a different kind of tropical climate.

She said that Mark is taking off to some men’s club with his brother. To each their own, but I am so glad Tom isn’t any more sociable than I am because I would miss him even for just a few days. These days I just can’t stand to be alone for long even when I’m feeling okay. Times change. People change. I used to love having the house to myself and hated how he was always home when he was unemployed. Now I wouldn’t mind that at all. Who knows how I’ll feel a year from now, though, or in 5 years or 10 years?

We still wouldn’t mind meeting more people around here. Only problem is that when one of you works at home and the other is always working, you don’t get many opportunities to meet many people. Then again, it’s not a numbers thing for us. We don’t need to “collect” friends just like I don’t need to do that on social sites. The few we’ve met around the park are nice. We just rarely see them cuz we’re busy, they’re ill… whatever.

I had a dream that I was young and single again and I realized that I would probably be alone for the rest of my life because I couldn’t generate enough interest from women being short and feminine, and most guys were major assholes. But I wasn’t okay with it like most of my single friends in real life are, preferring to be alone and all that. I tried to look at the bright side of spending the rest of my life alone, but all I saw was darkness.

Alison told me she only gains 2-3 pounds of water during her period. That is so unfair! I only gain 2-3 pounds of water too, but this usually starts a whole 2-3 weeks before periods. The one thing my thyroid meds have yet to relieve is the near-constant water retention we Hashers often get. I’m so tired of being waterlogged so much of the month I wonder if I should ask my doctor about diuretics. Nah, I’ll give it a little more time. We’ll see how soon the water comes on after the period I’m expecting on the 12th.

My weight, as always, is resetting itself the closer my period gets. After periods I drop 3-5 pounds which return with my periods even with sensible eating and exercise, but fine. Let it, LOL. I hate diets and I’m not going back on one. My body has obviously found its comfort zone and feels this is where it needs to be or else I wouldn’t have been here for the last 5-6 years.

It’s avoiding those God-awful effects of the medication I need to focus on. Haven’t had any serious booming hearts in a while, haven’t needed chill pills since November, and haven’t had the runs, so hopefully it will stay that way!

Gonna hit 70° again today but they’re still saying it’s going to rain Friday through Sunday.


Thought I would just relax on the couch and talk out another entry while Roomba finishes vacuuming. This couch really is comfortable. I just wish we had gotten a bigger TV.

The only thing that gets to me at times about never being able to lose the weight is not being able to expose my muscles more. I have been working out for years and if you know where to look it really does show. However, it would show a helluva lot more without the fat obstructing it.

I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror yesterday and pulling something apart that was kind of tough to pull. I think it was the cap of my deodorant. As I was pulling I could see my shoulder and upper arm muscles bulging and I thought to myself, now wouldn’t it be awesome if I didn’t have so much fat covering them? Imagine how big they would seem then.

But I’m not stupid. It’s never going to happen any more than I’m ever going to be tall. The most important thing is that I feel okay and that I am no longer struggling to keep from gaining. That sure was horrible for a while there when I was in between meds. As soon as I stopped the meds my weight climbed back up, and had I not gone back on them when I did it would have continued to climb. No doubt about that. It was such hard work trying to keep it down without medication! So you see, it ain’t all bad. :)

Prosebox is going to be down for maintenance tomorrow and I wonder if I’m going to be in for tons of change when the site comes back up. I guess I will find that out at some point.


I polished my nails Sea N-Social, a very light frosty blue, 6 days ago. While I’m not overly impressed with its color, its staying power is pretty amazing. It lasts longer than the gel polish! If I were going on vacation for a week and didn’t want to touch up my nails along the way, this would be a good one to use before leaving.

Not much else to update on other than dreams. In one of them, I was married to a cop. He was at work when I had an appointment I’d forgotten about. Apparently, he gave the house keys to another uniformed officer who was tall, slim and slightly graying. The cop woke me up by knocking on the bedroom door. He told me he was asked to take me to the appointment. I jumped out of bed, immediately not liking the situation, and scrambled for my clothes. The appointment was in less than 15 minutes and he said, “Come on, come on, you can move faster can’t you?”

I demanded that he get out of the bedroom while I changed and then afterward I demanded he give me his copy of our house keys.

The dream jumped ahead to another day. I was in the woods behind our house doing who knew what, when I spotted the cop looking out into the backyard from a kitchen window, confirming my suspicions about him having other keys to our house.

I scooted further into the woods, hoping I hadn’t been seen. The dream ended with me wondering how I would call anyone for help since my phone was indoors, and how he could be prevented from entering in the future.

The second dream might’ve taken place in an apartment or condo. I stepped out of our place in a swimsuit and an older lady said, “You don’t want to go swimming in this, I hope?”

“No way,” I said, looking at the huge disgusting brown puddle that ran from just in front of my door to perhaps 20 feet away. I began walking with her and she knocked on the door to another woman’s place, also around the same age, and we all headed for the pool. I thought to myself that we’d better hurry since it closed in 10 minutes.

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