Saturday, June 20, 2015

This entry might be boring because all I have to update on are dreams. I was in Hawaii in one of them and was a bit sad because it was almost time to leave. I thought of how I hadn’t seen one bee or wasp during the entire time. A gust of wind picked up as I was walking and the thin layer of clouds that flew overhead seemed to move unusually fast. 

It had rained hard earlier, leaving a puddle of water deeper than it appeared. As I went to walk through it, I expected it to cover no more than the soles of my feet, but the water was up to my ankles. In my hand, I carried one of my very first handwritten journals (which no longer exists today) and I accidentally dropped it in the water. 

Then I was watching a movie that Mary was in. I didn’t seem to know Tom. Next, a man in his 50s or so that I knew liked me and that I seemed to like in return, came into the room and said I was number one again. I knew that “number one” meant that something about me was trending on the Internet. Even though I knew it was something negative, I didn’t give a shit. 

The guy then asked me to move in with him and I said, “Please tell me your place is not an apartment and that there are no houses huddling close by and you have lots of space around you.” 

He said, “Actually, I’m staying with somebody right now while I have a house built. Then you can have your space around you.” 

I asked him how many bedrooms the house had and he first said three and then he said five, LOL. Then he asked me to marry him because he wanted someone to get his possessions when he died.

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