Sunday, July 19, 2015

Andy was telling me more about his diet, which mainly consisted of unprocessed foods he makes from scratch. He thinks that’s my answer to weight loss, but as I told him, you don’t understand Hashimoto’s. Hashimoto’s doesn’t care where your calories come from but how many you have. 

No lung issues last night, so I’m still as sure that my problems were from the cat as I am that going unprocessed won’t affect my weight. Woke up with a headache, though. Probably a caffeine headache. I went back to one cup of coffee a day from two when I realized there was no way I could make my appointment on the 27th. Gotta reschedule. 

Went for another disappointingly chilly swim late yesterday afternoon. I just might not go swimming anymore this year with the way the weather’s been. We haven’t had nearly as many super hot days this summer in the triple digits as we usually do. 

I’m now over 30K words in my book. Chapter 20 is on for tonight, so about 11 more chapters to go. 

Had a series of strange dreams. My parents were still alive in one of them and about to move back to New England. Then they decided to stay in Florida since Tammy had moved there. I was lying on their bed in their old bedroom, since they decided to at least get a smaller place, and was awed by the view outside the window of people swimming in either a lake or part of the ocean. I was pissed that I didn’t have a similar view from my own bedroom window and was bound and determined to do all I could to have the same view, though in real life I wouldn’t want all those people outside my window. 

Simone seems to be in my dreams every so often, too. In last night’s dream, I guess she was also an outdoor cat because she entered a small square empty room I was standing in, and walked up to a sliding glass door. I opened it and she went outside. 

In another dream, I was warning some people that I’d seen a couple of bears in the area. Then 3 or 4 large animals went charging along the summit of a nearby hill and I said, “See that?” But they were horses and not bears. 

The fun dream was where I was playing outside with what appeared to be a chipmunk or a squirrel. I was eating something and it approached me and begged for a taste of what I was eating. I threw down a crumb for it and it gobbled it up. I casually walked a few feet away and it followed me. I threw down another crumb. After I ate, it playfully chased me around. 

In another dream, I wrote a note for Andy on a whiteboard that was supposed to be in Dutch, but one of the words in which I remember was in German. 

Set the mannequins up for the first time since before we got new carpet, and I also trimmed the Cher wig for the new head. The new head looks good in more hair colors than my full-bodied mannequins do. Not sure she’d look good as a blond, though.

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