Monday, January 11, 2021

While I slept today, Tom did some more research on that park in Port St Lucie. I was wrong in assuming it’s a small park. It’s actually a small section of a huge club with a few thousand homes. It’s called the Savanna Club. They have three pools, golf courses, and a lot more. It’s a gorgeous and upscale-looking place. However, we’re totally confused about why they would have such nice houses for so cheap. And we’re also confused by the way it lists such low payments yet says it’s on leased land.

Upon his research, he found that there’s actually a long-term lease where after so many years the owner of the club owns everything that’s a part of it which means if you’re still there when the lease expires, you would either have to pay a fortune to stay there or move. The question is when the lease began and for how many years does it last? If it doesn’t expire for 30 years, then we’re okay as long as there are no other hidden catches like additional monthly fees they don’t mention. Maybe the low amount they list is in addition to space rent that’s not listed.

As much as I would love to live there and as much as I think it may still be noisy, though not nearly as noisy as here, I don’t think we’re going to be able to get in.

The place is only 4 miles away from one of the places my parents lived in on Nettles Island and he thinks that that’s probably why they went there. So they could get so much more for less. It’s just amazing that they could do it without the help of the Internet! But she also got a huge inheritance and 89K for the Longmeadow house. I don’t know exactly how much it was, but I know it was a decent amount. They bought a nice RV to go down in when they were looking for a place.

He was surprised to accidentally discover a nuclear power plant nearby and wonders if that might be part of why the costs are lower. Or at least the costs that they list. I can see where some people may be concerned about the reactors breaking during a hurricane.

Anyway, whether we can get in or not, and we won’t know until it comes time to actually contact a realtor so they can explain precisely what the deal is, it’s absolutely beautiful there and would be a good place to grow old. As with any place, though, it does have its pros and cons. For example, you are responsible for your own yard work just like here which means the “daily buzz” would follow me there. I may not hear the really loud obnoxious blowers that you hear here and perhaps not as many saws, but there would still be enough mowing, blowing and trimming going on, and according to all their rules, he didn’t see anything that designated landscaping to specific days.

Another negative is that while I don’t think commercial planes would be an issue, there are more small airports so I’m guessing that since it’s a heavily populated area small planes and helicopters would be a regular thing.

More people and fewer whites are also a bit of a negative, but I don’t care what color they are as long as they aren’t the white-hating, race-card-playing welfare bums we had in Phoenix, and of course they couldn’t be even remotely close to that. We did have Mexican neighbors in Maricopa, and they were no problem. Trashy, yes. I hated the way they would let some of their trash blow onto our land but they themselves weren’t an issue. It was the Mexicans in Phoenix and just in general, especially the illegals smuggling in guns and drugs.

And yet another negative is that we would definitely have to deal with evacuations during hurricanes and be at risk of losing everything. But since I’m not nearly as materialistic in the way that I used to be and important things can be backed up in the cloud, I’m not quite as concerned with that as I might have been in the past.

Now here are the positives. The biggest one is that motorcycles are not allowed. Yes! Those are definitely the most annoying sound-wise. But you can have one dog or cat that must be kept indoors.

I don’t think a roaring freeway would be an issue there since I don’t see any nearby but I’m guessing there would still be a similar amount of projects going on since most people have at least some money there and it doesn’t cost much to buy a circular saw.

This place is so gorgeous and in such an ideal location that I would be willing to put up with some noise. We could get the sleep pod right away although there’s no doubt in my mind that I would sleep better there probably even without one. There would be a bit more space around most of the houses and they’re not right on the street like we are here.

If the payments were that low, he may never have to work again unless we wanted extra money for something big.

So here, the issues are the freeway, landscaping, commercial planes, other aircrafts, traffic, and projects. About half of these can be eliminated or at least reduced. Oh, and we should be able to have water all the time, of course!

One thing’s for sure and that’s that I won’t settle when it comes to a park. If I’m going to be in a park, then it has to be worth it and we have to be in an ideal location. If I’m choked off by other houses and all I see are streets and houses, I’m not interested. I want a “water house” as I call it. If I’m going to have to listen to some shit, then I want a great view while I’m at it. So I definitely want a place that backs up to a body of water.

I still don’t want to get my hopes up because I’m guessing there’s going to be some kind of catch that will prevent us from getting a loan. Again, we’re going to be poor once we leave here. I think we’re going to have to get some land somewhere but that too has its pros and cons but should be even quieter.

Now what if worse comes to absolute worst? Tom said he came up with a backup plan for if the worst-case scenario came to be and that would be if Sundae and a traditional realtor didn’t offer us enough. We don’t think this will happen, but if it does, he’ll get a job and we’ll flip this place. It would delay the move for 6 months to a year but that’s what we would do. And of course, I would try hard not to wonder if something was trying to trap us here while we were at it.

OMG, it just hit me that my “Aunt” Ruth lives in Port St Lucie and I know she’s definitely lived in adult communities. Wouldn’t it be just too funny if we got in there and ran into her? She’s one of those that is both likable and not but basically, she’s a judgmental bitch with a big mouth. If she were kind to me, I would be kind back, though. Honestly, I don’t know that we would even recognize each other since she’s about 80 years old now and hasn’t seen me since I was 23-24. If she suddenly appeared in front of me and started talking, then I would realize it was her, but I think I’ve changed a lot more than she would have. She never cared to be an aunt to me, but if she ran into me and hugged me and asked how I was doing, it’s not like I would spit in her face and run. In reality, she would probably run, LOL. Too many vicious rumors spread by my mother put a really scary label on me that has a long and lasting impression.

Looks like Phillip also lives there. That’s too funny.

Just visited ZabaSearch. Both he and Ruth are listed as living 5 miles from “Water Palms,” as I call the house I want, but further inland. Looks like an on-site house. He would probably want to meet with me if he knew we were just a matter of miles away and that would be fine. However, I’m not saying anything to anyone so it doesn’t get back to the termites. I can’t stop the internet from sharing our personal info but for as long as I can help it, no one there will know if we move there.

Again, I don’t see it happening, but it would still be kind of funny to end up just 4 miles away from where my parents lived. You know, the mother that told me when I mentioned wanting to move down there from Massachusetts that she didn’t want me living anywhere near them.

Yeah, I had a wonderful mother.

Aly’s finally come to realize that Molly could never be a true friend to her. Maybe she’ll come to see that about Kim someday as well. She claims Molly used to be a better friend but has become incredibly selfish. She says that at least Kim has some good traits in her. Yeah, in the mix of all her craziness, joke of a memory, habitual lies, and obsessive behavior that makes me wonder how she’s hardly worth it. I don’t know why Aly is drawn to the mentally ill and doesn’t feel she deserves better but at least she’s come to see that the only person Molly could ever be a true friend to is herself.

The only difference this time around is that the last time she dumped Molly, Molly stalked her relentlessly. This time she’s so wrapped up in her obsession with some guys that she hasn’t even noticed her absence. Aly said that just the fact that she wasn’t mentioned confirmed and solidified her own feelings and suspicions. I noticed this too, although I wouldn’t tell her. But last night I did happen to drop in on Molly for the first time in a while and I noticed the same thing. I was a bit surprised, too.

I had a dream about Andi, the butch bitch from the Vista Ventana in the 90s, only she went by some other name. Tom and I lived in an apartment building and she also had an apartment there. Once she realized we lived in the building even though it wasn’t next to her and we were a couple of floors away, she tried to make trouble for us by complaining about something we supposedly did.

Early one morning when it was still kind of dark and she had left for work, we went to the back of her apartment and Tom made himself comfortable on a bench swing. I was surprised to see that she had not just two small dogs as I had thought but four, and also by how quiet they were.

I’m glad that as far as I can tell Ruth doesn’t live in the Savanna Club. If by some chance we actually do manage to get in there, I’d hate for any family members to live there and make God only knows what kind of trouble for us, especially if they had any clout of any kind within the club.

I also hope to hell Tammy never finds out where we are if we move there. I wouldn’t put it past her to drive to our door. But then if she did, I could do whatever I wanted to her. Or maybe not because the girls would come after me for sure. I’m not about to take on a quarter ton of pure asshole, though I WOULD see to it that they were charged, convicted and jailed. If they weren’t…

I did hear from Goodreads. Gotta give them links to my books.


Something happened today that put us one step closer to getting out of here, at least in my mind, and one foot out the door. That came in the form of a jury summons for the first. Damn me for registering to vote!

I’ve never had any desire to do jury duty. For one, I don’t drive and that would mean Tom having to take time off from work. But even if he never works again (though he likely will), you know how I feel about courts and the law in general. I have no interest in having anything to do with it ever again unless I’m suing someone or something like that.

So we went to the site and I was able to request a 90-day delay. That’s April 26th. My last appointment is on the 6th, so hopefully, if all goes well for once in our lives when it comes to moving, we’ll be out of here before the 26th and I can tell them I’ve moved.

If anything, this has really given us the initiative to really motivate ourselves to get out of here, not that I needed much motivation to begin with. But it kind of narrows it down to a more specific time frame for us if we try to get out of here in April after I see Doc A and before the 26th rather than wait until May or June. It’s going to depend on whether or not we can get a decent offer from Sundae. They’re the ones that could cause any significant delays.

If there is any reason we can’t get into this club, though, it will be because of money. Trying not to get my hopes up but oh, how I would love a water house! A parcel of land would be quieter and it would certainly have its pros but it wouldn’t be nearly as pretty or as safe, especially for an aging couple. We couldn’t have Walmart deliver and there wouldn’t be as many shops and restaurants. Either one is still preferable to staying here. The club is likely to be somewhat noisy but should be way worth it compared to here especially since it shouldn’t be nearly as extreme. I think small planes, helicopters, and landscaping will be the biggest things there. I do remember being on the phone with the termite one day when I heard a small plane fly over her place, so yeah, that will be a thing there too, as with most places. But is it a few a day or a few dozen a day like here? That’s what I hope we’ll get to find out as we totally want to get into this place!

Port St Lucie is a climate that would be better than Homosassa even though the “Homos” would still be better than Citrus Heights. Again, I won’t get my hopes up because I don’t usually get that lucky, but I really hope to be much more excited about the move than filled with doubts and concerns nagging at me.

Tom doesn’t really care about views and things like that (I think women are always pickier than men when it comes to aesthetics) but after over a decade in the desert and having so little water and rain in Oregon and here, it would be a nice change of pace. When the weather permitted and it was at least mostly peaceful out, it would be so nice to sit in the lanai sipping coffee or wine and watching the breeze ripple the water and any ducks or whatever that may be swimming around. I think it would be a very serene and tranquil scene compared to just streets and houses. Hopefully, it will be a decent size body of water too and not just a small one that’s more like a giant puddle than a lake. When I view the club via satellite, I could see there were different sizes. The bigger the better because then you have fewer houses around you and a little more privacy. Still trying not to get too hopeful because we’re not exactly rich and we’re not in the habit of getting exactly what we want either.

I do have some good news and that’s that Goodreads removed the dead links to the handful of books I had listed there, even though the woman told me they don’t usually do that. So that’s one less thing that can be Googled, and that nasty review is gone along with Sarah’s “like” of it.

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