Friday, July 30, 2021

So much to write about and so much I’m forgetting! It’s not always convenient for me to make notes.

I’m continuing to like this place better than the other place although it isn’t noise-free. Right now I’m hearing the drone of tractors working in the new addition. Didn’t think I’d hear it in here or nearly as many planes as Cali.

I took a walk early this morning and it was gorgeous. A touch humid but still very nice. I walked straight down our street which is pretty long. I saw that they’re adding some new homes at the very end of it but it’s too far away to bother me in any way. Hope no one decides to leave a dog out back in the mainstream area that I can see from the bedroom as I’d definitely hear it in here at night.

So the noise negatives are that I do hear planes and helicopters. Just not as many as at the old place, especially helicopters. At least I hope it won’t be as many.

Also, there are no highways close by but there’s a road about a mile away in which I can hear some traffic in the dead of night. So it isn’t dead quiet at night like I hoped. Just not as loud as the other place.

I haven’t been up all through the night yet but I’m guessing that part of the positives as far as noise goes means I won’t have the obnoxious buzzing of small planes and helicopters circling round and round. I also can’t see this place being choc-full of projects.

A definite positive that I’m totally loving is the lack of loud traffic. I don’t even see people walking and bike riding like I would at the old place. I’m sure being the hottest, muggiest time of year has a hand in that, though I do see tons of golf carts going by. I don’t hear tons of door slamming, especially with seasonal places right next door and across the street toward one side of the house. The lady next to us on the other side is very quiet and doesn’t go out often at all. Watch. Now she’ll die or move and we’ll get someone in there with a loud vehicle that comes and goes half a dozen times a day. It would be just my shit luck.

A small plane just flew overhead. Again, they’re disappointing but not surprising. I was really hoping we could get down to just a few a day but I knew we wouldn’t. Everybody’s flying everywhere these days and I don’t see that ever changing. The only way we’re not going to hear planes and helicopters is when they go electric but that won’t be in my lifetime.

Tom’s actually right in saying they were at cruising altitude when he heard them. I didn’t think I would be able to hear any commercial planes flying above about 15,000 feet but because it’s so quiet in the area in general, I can hear them over 2000. They have all different planes at different heights. I don’t know that there will be the 60-80 or so planes I’d hear at the other place but probably still at least 20-40.

Tom is out right now running errands so I’m taking time to catch up here. I’ve been battling horrible fatigue but today is better. I wanna say I’m too old for such big moves and changes in my life but then again, 55 isn’t that old. I can see this being hard on someone over 70 but at my age? I just hope my thyroid hasn’t died off anymore and that I haven’t become diabetic! I know I’ve definitely gained weight. My clothes are tighter, I’m even less flexible, and my joints are stiff as hell. I get that the joint thing is definitely menopause and due to being holed up in hotels for three weeks, so I’m definitely looking forward to being more active whenever my energy levels allow me to be. It’s just frustrating because some days I simply don’t have the energy to do much.

What’s also frustrating is knowing I won’t be able to lose whatever weight I’ve gained. I don’t even know if I can prevent myself from putting on any more. Again, I’m hoping the weight gain was just because it wasn’t convenient to eat healthily and I couldn’t be very active in the hotels and not because my thyroid has died anymore or anything else is wrong. I’m too short to be dragging around all this weight! I feel like my metabolism is so damn slow now that even starving myself probably wouldn’t get me very far.

He signed us up for insurance yesterday and we were surprised to find that it’s a lot cheaper than we expected! Even cheaper than in Cali!

We talked about investing in stocks and seeing where we end up a few years from now. We’re going to fix the place up for us and our own comfort and enjoyment but at the same time, it will up the value of the place. It’s a cute little house and I like that it’s quieter here but I don’t know that I want to be cramped in here for the rest of my life. So maybe the stock market will be our ticket to a bigger, newer place. It would really be nice to live in something that wasn’t more than 10-15 years old.

Oh, and another negative here is that the neighbors are definitely closer than Nancy’s place. So hopefully when the place is no longer empty on the bedroom side, they’ll be quiet. Working at my desk with the blinds open, I can see the cute little statues they have at the side of their lanai. A Pelican and some mushrooms.

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