Thursday, October 6, 2022

Just got back from picking up my prescription at Walgreens. The weather has been like being back in California. Very dry and not a cloud in the sky.

I went for a walk yesterday evening, and I’ll probably do it again this evening. Maybe this time I can do it without the ear-splitting barking as I walk by the lanai that’s about five or six houses down. My God, it was fucking ridiculous! Why would you even allow your dog near open windows if you knew it barked that loud? And why would you not do anything to shut it up once it got started?

This is why I worry about the day Irma and Richard stop coming down here. I know they could be replaced with shit like this. A dog with a bark that loud may not only drive me crazy while I was awake, but it could override the sound machine as well when I was sleeping.

I expected to get woken up by the trashers with their newer, louder truck but luckily, they haven’t gotten with the times just yet as the recyclers have.

First time and months we received the Hooter.

I’m a little worried about Toni. No one seems to have heard from her.

Emotionally, I was lucky to have a decent night last night. I felt good and I kept busy. One good day isn’t enough to make me think this spell is over, though.

I got some children’s chewable magnesium to help, but can’t take it until 7:30, 4 hours after taking my medication. Even if I still feel OK then, I might take it anyway. I took one yesterday 4 hours after taking my medication, and then another one a couple of hours later. Two is considered a dose.

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