Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Good news. I no longer have to worry about the painting of the roads waking me up because they did it today. Tom was right. It wasn’t loud. Now let’s see if they can stay out of the roads for more than a year!

I scheduled a handful of books to publish over the next few months but they published all at once. This is still okay, though. Aly has been kind enough to proofread Dumping Davina along with me. Once in the store, I’ll tip Alyssa off about it and let her know she inspired the Laurina character. LOL Wonder if it would make her curious enough to buy it, but I doubt it.

Started getting rid of clothes that were too small for me. No more of the, “I’ll wear them when I lose weight” bullshit because I’m never losing weight.

The calls are back. Got a couple that left voice messages claiming my social security number has been suspended due to suspicious activity.

Do they really think people are that dumb?

We’re in the triple digits which will make the pool pleasant for us. We were thinking of going for a dip on Friday evening. But even I get sick of intense heat after a while because it makes it so hard for working out and sleeping, especially working out. I’m on the treadmill right now and I have to do it in chunks.

I woke up for an hour or so at 6 after crashing at midnight and I should have made myself get up then because it’s still going to be a struggle to get to my next two appointments. Instead, I ended up dozing off until 11. :-(

While I dozed I had a dream I could definitely have done without. I don’t know if we were living in an adult community or where it was but the black bitch lived in our neighborhood. She had the same kind of screen mesh alongside her carport that we have.

I was walking by when it was dark and I could see a faint glow of light through the screen and then I heard her arguing with who I assumed was Mike somewhere in the carport. Then the talk turned romantic and she was talking about having another kid. I couldn’t wait to tell Tom and wonder how she would pull that off since that may be pretty tough to do at 44. In reality, she’s only a few years younger than me.

Then I was suddenly inside her house. She wasn’t home and I don’t know if I broke in or if I was with anyone else, but I was surprised at how immaculate it was. I was drinking coffee and poured what was left of it down the drain and put the cup in her dishwasher. Then I wondered if she’d recognize me if she came home, and thought I better just get out of there instead.

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