Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Yes, this is it. This is really it. The beginning of the end. He’s applied for early retirement and our goal is to make 2021 the year we get out of here! We just can’t count on the government to do the right thing and take care of their own. No way to know if unemployment will take care of us, if a stimulus check will take care of us, or what. He’s still going to be looking for work, though. So I’m both nervous and excited like I always am whenever we make a long-distance move. Hopefully, Florida will work out and this will be our last one.

I sure was right when I told him a few months ago that I had a feeling we were on the verge of a major change. Definitely got that one right! I still have a feeling there will be a big change in September of 2022. Maybe that’s when we will have sampled Florida enough to either be confident enough to get a place there or return to dryer ground somewhere in Texas or New Mexico. At least if it ever comes to that we won’t have to go through Arizona.

I’ve also been saying that I couldn’t see us returning to Hawaii, and I’ve had this feeling for a while now. Now I know why!

I decided that even though pretty much anyone can find out anything through a paid search, I’m going to keep our new location secret from most people. I’m not going to mention it in any public journals. I’m definitely not going to let Norma of all people know if we really do end up in Florida. For some reason, I just don’t want those termites knowing it if we do. I honestly don’t see what they could do with the info any more than knowing where we are right now, but I would still feel more comfortable if they were left in the dark. That would mean leaving Norma in the dark for sure. I’ll only make my location visible to my other Facebook friends and of course, I’ll tell Aly about it. Aly only uses Facebook for messaging so I can’t see us ever being connected there, and I would never re-add Kim. I can’t see her reacting the same way she did the last time should we ever have a falling out, but you never know. With people like her, it’s better to play it safe.

I can’t fucking wait to get out of here! Twice traffic woke me up. I can’t wait to live in a place where I can go to bed without wondering if traffic is going to wake me up.

Tom says there was no sawing across the street today. Yeah, well, I’m sure they’ll be at it again soon enough. That’s obviously just what they do.

I don’t know if she’s just playing with me or what, but Aly is once again talking about visiting, saying she hopes the virus doesn’t extend into the summer because she really needs to get away for a few days and says California would be a great place to go to.

I told her why not drive out in a rental car and drive back in a rental truck? That way she could not only take the doll, but she could take what furniture we don’t want as well as the pigs.

Yeah, we’re definitely going to have to re-home them because it would be way too cruel to the pigs and hard on us to move them with us whether we moved by ground or by air. It’s not like we’re going from home to home. We’re going to have to play the motel game again until we find a place. Couldn’t hurt to ask Carolyn or Virginia if they have any grandkids that may want the pigs.

Fuck. The planes are back. Yeah, one more year, you fuckers!

It’s going to be quite a trip down Memory Lane, all right, only this time it’s going to mean a lot more to me because yes, we had money here, but we were here longer and one of us went through something far worse than poverty.

Oh, my fucking stomach! I’ll never touch sugarless candy again. Who needs laxatives when you can just eat sugarless candy and bring on a shitfest that way?

I might replace my bacon and eggs with shakes, but the only problem is that they’re processed. So it’s like going from TV dinners to TV drinks, LOL. It’s better than eggs every day, though.

So right now, our immediate plans are to generate some kind of revenue, save up, watch our spending and hope whatever I’m coming down with isn’t the virus. I feel like I’ve got a cold setting in, but I read that this virus can start off feeling that way. My throat felt a little gritty, but I don’t have a fever, so that’s good. I just have fatigue and that off feeling you get when you get sick. Over 21,000 people have died from the virus so far. Really hope we stay safe! The only good thing is that we wouldn’t have to pay the hospital bill if worse came to absolute worst.

Had a dream my ENT hired me to clean her luxury apartment in some kind of high-rise. I’m sure that in reality, she lives in a house, though.

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