Thursday, November 9, 2017

Haven’t heard from Tammy in a while. What, are they on vacation or something? Hopefully, everything is okay or at least better for her. Wish I would hear from the girls other than when I contact them, but I know how it is when you’re that young. Tammy knows I don’t follow the newsfeeds much due to all the spam (every few posts would be a suggested site/game, etc) and other shit I’m tired of hearing about. 7 billion people on earth and probably about that many subjects to talk about. Yet we’ve got to hear about the same damn people and subjects over and over again like a broken record. rolls eyes So yeah, unless it’s at the top of the feed when I check in, I won’t see it. She knows to message me to keep me up to date that way.

The park is picking on the Twenties. Jon said they asked them to cut their corner oleander bushes back so traffic can see better and asked if they asked us to cut our corner Cypress back because he has a hard time seeing when he pulls out onto Astronaut.

Nope. Haven’t heard from them, though as I told him, we do have plans to trim that back soon. He offered to help which is nice, but Tom prefers to go at his own pace. I’m still a bit surprised because I’ve seen other things that I would have thought they would get on the person about but never did. There are a few shabby-looking yards, for example, but they never seem to be ordered to be fixed up.

I’m just glad I don’t hear that insanely loud car coming and going so much anymore. I’m sure there will be something else to replace it sooner or later with all of the loud vehicles out there these days, but I’m enjoying its absence for now. Don’t know if it’s because of my anonymous complaint in particular or if it just happened to disappear around that time. All I do know is that if you want to break the rules, fine, as long as it doesn’t affect me. Had this guy, clearly in his 20s, not felt the need to have such a loud car and get everybody’s attention so easily, I would never have reported him. But when you’re rude and inconsiderate enough to take your loudness into my home, you bet I’m going to say something! Can’t do anything about those that meet the age requirements coming and going in loud vehicles, but if you’re too young to be here and you’re too loud, I’m getting you out of here!

I love how we can go to the post office’s site and see if we got mail that day. Sometimes I just don’t feel like walking down to the mailbox. Tom would have gladly gone, but nothing came today anyway.

It’s been great continuing to chat on Twitter with Kim. As funny as it may sound and despite all the other people I’ve met online on various sites, the Internet had become a very lonely place for me for a while when Aly cut me off. Like I said, there’s something about the “originals” that you just can’t replace. She and Aly will always be special, even if I never do hear from Aly again. I still don’t know how serious Aly’s health is and I’m not getting much volunteered from Kim about it. I don’t want to ask her outright and feel like I’m betraying Aly, so I’m hoping Kim will say something. All she said was not to tell her what she tells me. Oh, I won’t. The only ones I share things with are Tom and Tammy. I do mention some things in my public journal, just not as much as what’s for Tammy’s eyes only. It’s a bit strange, though, being friends with Kim and not Aly when it was the other way around from 2012-2016.

I’m taking a day off from working out because I woke up with sore quad muscles. I don’t know why either. All I know is that I’m about to hit my word count goal of 15,000 words!

First, still nothing from Kathleen and that leaves me with mixed emotions. I would have been flattered to find I was right about her being attracted to me and I would have liked being just friends with her, but then I am still pretty unsociable and I don’t want any potential trouble.

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