Sunday, May 5, 2019

Got 3 wine glasses, each with a different colored stem (pink, purple and blue), and 3 bottles of nail polish at the dollar store yesterday, also in pink, purple and blue. Got to use the stem holder for wine glasses for the first time in the dishwasher. I didn’t realize they could topple over so easily without it.

Following my buddy on a different Twitter account of hers. I was going to give up on that and Ask, thinking she wasn’t into either site anymore, but I guess she still is. :-)

Overall it’s been a surprisingly quiet weekend. Haven’t heard the mama’s boy since Thursday but I’m sure it will be back soon. It’s nice when someone’s shit actually turns out to be a good thing, though. I don’t know if Joy is simply complaining because I complained on Mel & Gerry, or if word got back to Mel & Gerry that I was the one to complain and they retaliated or what but either way, we’re kind of glad they did.

When Tom lost his keyring he was so pissed at first but that turned out to be a great thing because we love our coded door locks.

When the Caddy started having problems that too, turned out to be a good thing because we love our electric car and the savings we’ve already accumulated by not having to get gas.

And now we wish we’d done what we’re about to do a long time ago! The cypress trees are ugly, a lot of work to care for because they’re fast-growing and very old-fashioned. The damn things attract so many spiders, webs and yellow jacket nests. They were popular when this place was built and so they make the place look outdated. What we’re about to do should add a few grand to the value of the place.

Unlike the Twenties, who definitely seem to prefer older white men working on their place, we prefer cheap. So a few Mexican guys are going to come out next Saturday and lop off all 12 of the cypress trees alongside the carport and grind down the stumps for just $900. Really thought it would be a few grand! Not sure if they’re going to just cut and haul them or if they’re going to cut and chip them before hauling them away but unfortunately, I’ll be on nights at that time and sleeping through it so I won’t get to have the fun of watching it get done. Why does everything have to happen when I’m asleep? :-(

Even though the bedroom is on the other side of the house, it will probably wake me up because commercial equipment is insanely loud but at least I’ll know what it is and we’ll be the noisy ones for once. Although I only have so much control to begin with, I thought about tweaking my schedule a bit but that could throw off my June appointments so I’m not going to.

After the trees are gone, we were going to lay down gravel in that area but we decided on fake grass instead. I really like the way that looks and then we wouldn’t have to deal with weeds poking up between the gravel. I also hate how pieces of gravel often get kicked out onto the street when we’re coming and going in that area on foot or with the bike or rolling the trash bin across it.

People can’t help their pet peeves but sometimes I wish Aly didn’t have such a problem with people not replying to her messages once they’ve been read. Anyone who knows me knows that I never blow anything off. I always reply within hours, a day at the most. It’s just that sometimes I like to sit and think about my reply before I actually do so.

Been having this strange itchiness on my inner left wrist and I really hope I’m not getting “planused.” I don’t want to add LP to my LS but one of the places LP affects is that area as well as the ankles. I don’t see anything visually, but I might have a few teeny tiny bumps in that area. Hopefully, it’s nothing, but time will tell.

I’m now at the four-week marker of my medication experiment and still calm. :-)

We have a long way to go and a lot more research to be done but Tom and I have had our preliminary discussion as far as where we think we want to go and the way we want to go about it. I’m kind of tired tonight so I think I’ll save that entry for tomorrow.

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