Thursday, November 1, 2001

I finally began what should’ve been done a year ago, and together, Tom and I picked up scattered bits and pieces of junk throughout the land. I didn’t realize just how much trash there was in the front wash way up near the freeloader’s property line. Makes me wonder if it’s their shit. They live like freeloaders, after all, with shit strewn everywhere. Most people out here live like pigs, though. It’s disgusting. But maybe it’s not theirs. Like Tom said, someone obviously gutted an old camper or trailer and that could’ve been anybody. The more I think about it, the more I think that with all the trash they already have on their land, they’d have gutted the thing right there on their own land.

Anyway, Tom’s going to rent or buy a small tractor one of these days to bury the shit and to use for other things.

It’s looking so much better out there now that we’ve picked up most of the junk that was out there and either put it in sheds, burned it or buried it. It’s looking more and more like a home, and whether we end up here 5 years or 20 years, we may as well take care of things and make them look nice. I know most people don’t care about appearances, especially outdoor ones, but I do. It looks so much nicer now when the weather’s nice enough to be out strolling around. The only thing that takes the fun out of strolling around is those damn ants. They’re everywhere!

I just wonder if Tom will keep his word this time around and not retrash the property. He either procrastinates, quits in the middle of projects, or goes and undoes what he did.

It kind of bothered me when he asked me to watch what I say since on a calm day like today, next door could hear us, and I was like - how many times do I have to tell you - I DON’T CARE! I’m sick of his being so neighbor-conscious. We don’t owe these people or anybody else in society shit and I’ll be damned if I’ll live my life worrying about how others might react to something I say. I don’t care. Period. I’ll wear what I want, say what I want, do what I want, and be myself. If others have a problem with it, then that’s their problem. I’m not saying I should have the right to walk out in public stark naked and call every black and Hispanic a name, then shoot them all dead, but I’m me and others are others. I don’t tell society how to be or how to act and nobody’s going to tell me either. Tom didn’t “tell me.” He asked. But still, I’m not going to live my life for neighbors and screen my speech for them. My life doesn’t revolve around them in any way shape or form unless they force their lives upon me like they did in Phoenix. They’re not a part of my business, and as long as they don’t make their business mine, I’m not going to consider them in my speech and plan around them. Hell, I was even forced to plan how I’d rearrange my furniture for neighbors in the city, for Christ’s sake, keeping furniture away from windows as much as I could! Well, no more!

I can’t believe Apple Cheeks still hasn’t shown up, though today’s a possibility. Either way, I’ve got the forced honor of seeing him tomorrow.

Teddy Bear died this morning before Tom got up. It’s too bad, but now it’ll be a bit less smelly and less expensive too, food and bedding-wise.

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