Friday, July 28, 2017

Weight’s down from 154.4 to 152.1. I still say I won’t lose much more than a few more pounds, and they’ll eventually work their way back no matter what I do… as always.

Sometimes I feel like life is one big waiting game and I’m just doing my best to keep myself entertained until I get to the end result… death. While I love doing the things I do, sometimes I long for a break from the same old, same old. But just what that break should be, I’m not sure. I’ve done so many things in life and I’ve been to so many places that there really isn’t much new to explore unless it’s something I could never afford.

Been keeping busy with Grammarly, correcting old journals, stories, bios and other things. The number of typos and other errors it’s catching is both shocking and disappointing. I realize, though, that with so much content they’re bound to be found.

They came and filled in the asphalt today. I didn’t hear much and I didn’t smell anything. This doesn’t mean it’s always peaceful. Still gotta hear the usual landscaping and traffic. That guy in the loud white pickup has been visiting Geri more, and the guy who had a stroke is having regular company. They’re doing something loud over there right now.

Not too long ago I mentioned the house behind us driving me crazy all day long with cutting trees and shrubs in front of their place. You could barely see their doors or windows because they had become so overgrown. Well, now I could thank them for that annoying day which turned out to be very worth it because it’s backed off the woodpeckers. The wind usually blows toward the back of the house and I was beginning to suspect whatever the woodpeckers were after was coming from their property. I realized yesterday that I hadn’t heard them in a while. Hopefully, they’ll keep up on it and not let it get so overgrown again.

I washed my long hair for the last time in what should be a while as I still plan to get it cut tomorrow.

Using a Rolaids bottle as a mold, Tom made a little cup with some of the dull original colors that the 3D pen came with. The bright green is okay, but I still say the yellow looks like angel hair pasta and the red looks like ketchup. He ordered a better variety of filament colors, including my favorites, pink and purple.

I had a dream that Tom and I were in Mexico and they were going to execute Nane. An English-speaking guy was cutting a hole in a hardwood floor which was where she would be buried. Whether she would be buried under the floor alive or not, I didn’t know. I was suddenly very worried and concerned for Nane and asked Tom if he thought Nane knew what was about to happen to her or not. He didn’t know.

In another dream, I stepped outdoors somewhere in the woods. I smiled at a woman I passed, then realized I didn’t have a bra on. I wondered if she noticed this as they bounced beneath my gray long-sleeved sweatshirt. I began to run down a dirt road, amazed at my speed. Eventually, I came to a curve in the road in a more secluded area. The wind picked up so fiercely that it was whipping dirt in my face and I could barely move forward.

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