Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Getting really fucking sick of that loud car that’s been coming around again…twice a day. Who the hell needs to visit their parents that often? Come on, once a week, cock!

I’m more worried they’re going to move back in.

But not as worried as I am about this constant fatigue that just goes on and on and on with seemingly no end. I wonder if I’m ever going to feel energized again in my life. If I can ever get a decent night’s sleep, that may help. I woke up just an hour or two after crashing and lay there for the better part of an hour. Finally got up and took baby Benadryl to knock me back out. My nose was a little sniffly and I was sneezing a bit anyway. I actually feel good emotionally now. I’m just always drained. Still a little off-balance as well.

It became obvious to me a long time ago for reasons I’ll probably never know that something up there definitely doesn’t want me taking advantage of this gated park for exercise on a regular basis so I no longer bother to plan or assume I’ll be doing that. That’s ok, though. It’s too noisy in the daytime and too cold at night. Besides, if I just do 20 minutes 6 days a week on the treadmill and 30 minutes 1 day, that totals the 2.5 hours the health specialists recommend we do in a week. Plus, I work my core and arms here and there.

I was going to order groceries from Safeway but they no longer have the Sizzling Wok or the mackerel that I really like so back to Walmart I went. Personally, I like their site layout the best anyway. I can organize favorites better with them. Just wish they, and other stores, would take better responsibility for keeping their items stocked.

Despite starting the first part of my day off very tired, I managed to meet today’s cleaning and exercise goals and will be taking it easy for the rest of the day. Tom should be leaving work soon and I started the final season (9) of the Forensic Files collection.

Amazingly, the Twenties haven’t taken on any projects this week. Just the usual traffic and landscaping sounds I hear out there when I step out of sound-machined areas.

I made my MO journal FO on Prosebox because I’m just not sure I really want to keep sharing with others there. Less editing if I just share with my trusted bestie and leave it at that. I appreciate her reading some of my stories as well. :-)

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