Saturday, August 26, 2017

Last night I dreamed I was approaching Tom who was talking to this really big guy. I couldn’t see the big guy’s face because his back was facing me. He was showing Tom a picture of me and complaining that I was too lazy. I was nervous at first because the guy was huge. As he kept complaining and waving the picture in Tom’s face, my fear began to turn to anger.

Just as Tom pushed the guy’s arms down by his sides one at a time, not caring to see the picture or listen to the guy’s rants, I stepped up to the guy and said, “Hey, at the end of the month this guy is going to be put to sleep forever (was Tom terminally ill?) and then I’ll be on my own to fend for myself, so back off.”

Then I dreamed that Ask was back to its old version and Andy and I picked up where we left off with the questions and answers as if there hadn’t been a gap in our friendship.

I do miss those check-ins at times, but definitely not all the bullshit that went with it.

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