Sunday, December 31, 2017

We’ve been having highs of around 62° and lows of around 36°. Very wintry at night and almost springlike in the afternoon. November was wet but we only had a few hours of rain, if even that, in December.

The peel-off nail polish is awesome. The colors are a lot bolder than I thought they would be, especially the ones without glitter. The ones with glitter look more like shimmer or frost than they do sparkly and they come off easier, too. I don’t even have to peel those off. They come off on their own in the shower. It’s a great way to conveniently change colors every day, but not the way to go if you want something long-lasting.

For the first time since we got the Caddy, we changed its tires yesterday for $377 at Sam’s. This will be the last time we change the tires on this luxurious and comfortable but 15-year-old car.

Haha, it’s so cute how the rats run home when they hear me opening their container of treats.

While we were at Sam’s waiting for the tires to be done, we picked up a few things. I got a Crest whitening strips kit and a roasted chicken. For some reason, I’d been craving roasted chicken for nearly a week. I guess that’s what I get for trying to go vegan or close enough to it. I haven’t cut out meat completely but I’ve cut out a lot of it. Tom’s gone vegan too, but he’s doing it for his weight while I’m doing it for my cholesterol.

We also got some toothbrush heads for our electric toothbrushes and he got some eyedrops.

When we returned home we didn’t do much for the rest of the day but we did order some stuff on Amazon. The Roomba needed a new battery, plus I got a cheap, single-burner warming plate for when I buy things like roasted chickens to feast on all day. Congealed meat is gross and I hate leftovers, so this would be ideal for things like that.

I also got material to make hammocks for the rats, and clip-on earrings to see if I can wear earrings this way without them appearing lopsided.

Made a list of topics to choose at random to talk about on that voice blogging site I love despite how dead and slow it is when I can’t think of anything I want to say that’s presently going on. I discuss a mix of positive and negative people, places and experiences I’ve had throughout my life.

After picking up our groceries, Tom will be working on the spark rail on the car, but the day will otherwise be spent in leisure… watching Murderous Affairs on Netflix, listening to my audiobook, coloring, and checking in with friends on Twitter.

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