Monday, May 20, 2013

When I saw Maliheh on my visitor report I thought, you gotta be kidding! But then when I saw it said “no landing page,” I figured it was just her accessing her mailbox, but not the message or my blog. Hope she’s not going to show up every time she goes to check her mail. She never has before when I’ve coded messages, so why now? Did she really open the message or visit my blog? Something else? I just hope she can accept my two cents and leave it at that. She got what she wanted in the end and that’s me out of her life. But I know how vengeful she is and how quick she can be to run to the cops. I’ve done nothing illegal, but still. I don’t need any hassles from her in any way. I know I could’ve just stayed away and said nothing, but I felt I had to get things off my chest.

My blog visitor tracking site has been experiencing a lot of downtimes and it’s getting old. Oh well. Next month they’re history anyway. Unless they offer me another free year of service for taking another survey or whatever, I will no longer be tracking visitors after June 19th.

Finally had a positive moving dream, though I don’t remember much detail. Something about happily exclaiming how we beat the odds, scammers, and the God that fought so long and hard to stop this day from happening.

Then I dreamed in German. It was more than just a few words, too. I was babysitting a couple of little kids who wanted to see me write out and speak “United States” in all my languages. I said I wasn’t fluent in all the languages and wasn’t exactly a certified teacher.

“What’s a certified teacher?” they asked.

I rolled my eyes and said, “Before I try to explain that one, I’ll write United States for you.” I turned to a whiteboard and said, “Stati Uniti is Italian, Estados Unidos is Spanish and Portuguese, and Vereinigten Staaten is German. Then I was pointing to a large map of the US and saying, “Und dies es mein Land. Ich lebe hier. Erste hier (I pointed to the east of the map, then to the west) und dann hier.”

Things really are looking up for us with this house-hunting endeavor that seems to have been going on for a decade. The loan lady said our credit score is what our preferred park wants. That’s the good part. The bad is that the Klam scam is still there, and credit scores tend to fluctuate. It also depends on which report they pull up, too. The loan lady will be able to tell us more by Wednesday. I’ll be seeing the house between then and Saturday, at which time we’ll probably make an offer. Next week comes the park and hoping they’ll accept us, especially if they know we not only made an offer that was accepted (and we’ll make sure it is) but also that we even have a loan lined up. Worst-case scenario we have to pay the scammers off. Well, I hope that’s the worst thing that could happen anyway. I’d rather pay to be where we really want to be, then not pay to be where we’re not quite as happy.

We looked up this particular home’s manufacturer and learned that it does indeed have dual-paned windows. That’s all I’ll say for now, though, until and if we really do get this house.


Watched Maliheh’s video again, and I guess that yeah, that really is her singing AND playing guitar. It’s such poor quality that it’s nearly impossible to make out any details. You can’t see her features at all. I think she has straight brown hair that’s to her shoulders and maybe a bit lighter than I remember it to be. It’s probably dyed. She is older after all. Doesn’t sound it, though. Her singing is still “mixed.” Sometimes she sucks and goes flat, other times she has a strong, vibrant sound that’s right on key. I think she may actually do well singing ballads.

As they say, actions speak louder than words, and while she never told me she didn’t want to be friends with me, her actions certainly did. How do I feel about it? Well, I’m a little bit angered to have been befriended under false pretenses and I don’t appreciate people pretending to be my friend that don’t want anything to do with me, but I’m not surprised. There are a lot of phonies out there.

The whole thing is kind of sad. It didn’t have to be this way, but she chose to make her own bed and now she has to lie in it. I just hope for her sake that she really does like being alone like she told me because I don’t see how she could hold up in a relationship with the way she treats people. All she does is lead people on and give them the wrong idea about her and where she’s really coming from. Unlike 22 years ago, she never gave me the false impression of liking me more than just a friend, but she did lie about being a friend to me and wanting to be a friend to me. She knew what she was doing. She knew all along that once she felt confident that I would keep her name out of my book, she would slowly abandon me. I think it was easier for her than to explain why she was dumping me or admit that she never really wanted to be my friend. Maybe she feared I’d take it out on her friends or something if she told me the truth, but in reality, her friends have nothing to do with this unless she chooses to discuss it with them.

I know that I too, could’ve just kept my mouth shut and drifted away right along with her, but I felt I needed to get things off my chest, so that’s why I sent the message I sent her. I hesitated at first, knowing how vengeful she can be when pissed and her tendency to run to the police, but I didn’t say/do anything wrong. I told her how I felt and that’s that. We’re done with each other. Unless she emails me to tell me she stayed away because she in fact did come to have feelings for me she wasn’t comfortable with, or that she was abducted by aliens who wouldn’t exactly let her write home, I don’t want to hear from her. In fact, I doubt I’d even read anything that came in from her. I don’t think she’ll bother with me, though. Hasn’t that been the whole point in her silent treatment; to not bother with me?

Anyway, I don’t have any ill feelings for the phony chick wrapped up in a pretty package, but God help her if she ever decides to settle down. She’ll need to make some serious changes if she gets tired of that beloved solitude of hers.

Thank goodness for doggy noses. I awoke for a second when Tom was showering and caught a whiff of that familiar mildew/wet wood smell from when the sink pipe leaked. Sure enough, it’s leaking again, so I sucked some water out of the pan with the turkey baster.

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