Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Another thing I don’t get is how some people say that God is the reason their lives are good at the moment. So then what is the reason some poor kid that’s being abused or starved in some Third World country is going through what they’re going through? Did they somehow do something to deserve it or to ask for it? I just don’t get that. If you’re supposedly so special that you’ve been blessed by Him, what do some of these innocent children do to end up not the least bit blessed?

This is the second day in a row that I’ve woken up with pain in my upper right stomach. Not sure what it is. It seems like it could be a lot of things from what I looked up, but I’m still going with either a pulled muscle or some kind of weird gas pain. It better not be anything serious! Really had enough of the doctors and don’t want to have to see anymore other than for regular maintenance.

I checked Palma’s page some more and determined that her son is now 9 years old. Also, she seems to live in a pretty nice house too. I’m guessing that if she and her husband both make at least 50K a year, then they can easily afford it with a six-figure income.

Aly said she’s now pre-diabetic. She doesn’t have to take medication or insulin yet but she has to monitor her blood sugar and go to the emergency room if it gets too high. This really sucks. Like Tammy, hasn’t she had enough to deal with? Especially for one who hasn’t even hit 40 yet?

I don’t remember much in the way of dreams last night other than hearing someone say hello and then running through the house which didn’t look like this place in search of someone I couldn’t seem to find.

After soaking in the tub with the fairy bath bomb it turns out that the surprise inside was a fairy pendant/charm that you can attach to a necklace or bracelet.

The doll is on the way and I got her FedEx tracking number! So excited! I just really REALLY hope I can handle the bitch.

I worked out on the Bowflex but haven’t yet convinced myself to go out for a walk down to the lake and back. Actually, now that I’m through the worst of the perimenopause I really should go further than that and stay out there a good half hour or so. But between being lazy and having three different pieces of exercise equipment indoors, I only do a 15-minute walk and make up the rest of the time doing something indoors.

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