Friday, January 5, 2018

My Sedimentation Rate ESR (this is the one for inflammation) is 17 which is normal. For women, normal is 0-29 according to the reference range I found on the Mayo Clinic site. So where that’s concerned I have some normalcy.

My white blood cell count is still elevated and my red blood cell count is high but not quite high enough to be red flag worthy. My November tests showed a white blood cell count of 11.5 and a red blood cell count of 4.75. Now my white blood cell count is 11.9 and my red blood cell count is 5.06.

Yesterday I had a few faint spots and I thought, oh no, not this shit again! But the coast has been clear ever since.

The new earrings I got do look better than pierced earrings but if you know to look for it or if you’re an observant kind of person, you can tell they’re still a little lopsided.

The cops were here yesterday and we still don’t know why. Tom was coming home from work when he saw three squad cars in the middle of the park. That section of the road was blocked off so he had to turn around and come in the back gate instead. He can’t swear to it but he thinks they were arresting someone. Jon said he asked a friend about it who lives on the corner there but he didn’t know anything.

After I finish the laundry, order some groceries and do some working out (I think I’ll skip the cardio today and just do strength training), I’m looking forward to starting my next book, Socio. It’s going to be an obsessive love triangle of sorts that takes place in a luxury high-rise, involving two residents and one sociopathic doorman, nicknamed Socio.

I’m so pissed that my state has become a sanctuary state for illegals. That is just so wrong and so backward.

Like many who grew up in New England, my dream was to live in or at least visit California someday. To outsiders, especially children, you tend to have this image of California that for the most part is as far from reality as you can get. The longer I live here, the more fucked up I realize this state truly is. It gives and takes all the wrong things to and from all the wrong people.

To say, “Hey, it’s okay to be illegal. Come on in and enjoy your stay at the taxpayers’ expense,” is quite an insult to California and to those who are from here. I’m sick and tired of illegals getting so many freebies while those who are from here and work hard have to struggle to afford various things. How backward is that? I can’t get disability benefits even though I have a sleep disorder that prevents me from working at a set time outside of the house simply because I didn’t work enough years to begin with. But if you come to my country illegally, you can have it all. Free medical treatment, free money, free housing, free food stamps, free everything.

What’s next? Is Cali going to be the next home for pedophiles and a place where they can go to get all kinds of freebies and special treatment?

Thousands of lazy people come here illegally and instead of having to face the consequences of breaking the law (many of which are criminals in other ways besides not belonging here), they’re giving generously.

Like I said, how twisted, fucked up and backward is that?

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