Monday, March 21, 2022

I don’t think I’m going to make it to the beach this time around because, by the time my schedule is suitable for it, we’re going to have a cool spell. Third week in March and I’m sitting here in a robe and slippers. Not exactly what I thought would be the case, even if it is noticeably warmer in general than NorCal.

So now I may as well get caught up on the writing that I was saving for the road. A few days ago we went to CVS and grabbed some white Merlot and a caramel Easter egg. You’re not supposed to drink with CBD gummies, so I decided I would hold off until the end of my day, which is when I usually have a glass of wine anyway if I’m going to have any at all, and make sure I’m not going to need a gummy earlier. I thought I was going to need one a while ago, but then I drafted my next message to Galileo and took a longer meditation break, and felt better.

Then a little later, we went to Walgreens. We hadn’t been there in a while. I got another caramel Easter egg and some Chardonnay with hints of vanilla by Barefoot that I’ve never had before. It’s dry and boring as fuck. I don’t taste any vanilla either.

Oh, I also got a cute pink beaded $0.99 bracelet when we were at CVS. Did a small Amazon order too. I’m getting another set of small colorful foam tiles for by the master bathroom toilet. These toilets may not be as high as our other ones, but I’m still short.

I also ordered some Calms Forte for my schedule experiment and a set of colorful hourglasses that are timed from 1 minute to 10 minutes. They’re not something I need, but I always thought they were cool-looking and fun to watch. Some of them may actually be good for when I’m doing my ab crunches. I tend to rush through my core work. This may help discipline me better.

Lastly, knowing how much I like having a ring on the back of the phone case that’s on my iPhone, I decided to get a case with a ring for the Samsung. It makes it easier to grip. That way my fingers also aren’t blocking speakers or microphones.

I got a $10 gift card from Facebook Viewpoints and I joined Branded Surveys as well. I hate it when they tell me I don’t qualify after I answered a bunch of questions. However, they seem to be legit and my points are slowly climbing. I just don’t bother to do too many, so I don’t end up wasting much time. I’m guaranteed 5 a day for doing their daily poll, yet I do get more than that. I have 171 points right now and when I get to 500 I can grab a $5 Amazon gift card.

Mia is now on level 80. Got over 172,000 XP.

Early yesterday morning we went to the little strip of beach that’s just a few minutes away. It was very chilly and windy, so we didn’t stay long. The point wasn’t to swim or sunbathe, but just to get out and into the fresh sea air. Sea and sun are like magic on my soul.

Darren power-washed his place, and I’m hoping it’s in preparation to get the hell out of here. I’m getting used to his presence and it’s nice that he doesn’t use the motorcycle daily and that the soundproofing material keeps it from waking me up if he uses it when I’m sleeping, but I still would like it better without him in the picture. Should be about a week now unless his plans have changed. The position of the motorcycle and the golf cart have changed. I don’t know if it means anything or not, though. I assume he’s going to get that trailer, hitch it to the truck, and load it up with his toys wherever they are.

Someone halfway down the street in front of us is also adding gravel to their place. They got those metal containers that hold the rocks.

I feel bad for the people on the other side of the park because they’re removing the fences that run along the back of their places. They want the old section and the new section to be one big old happy family. This would definitely piss me off as we would lose privacy in back. But those fences are no longer exterior fences. I hope to hell we’re out of here or long gone by the time they build up behind us.

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