Tuesday, May 20, 1997

Tom’s in the shower now and soon we’ll be on the road. I’m not looking forward to a grueling 4 hours on the road and another 4 tomorrow. I am looking forward to gambling again, though! I will save any more I may write for when I’m on the road.


Here I am checking in from the road. It’s still not very light for writing. Yeah, I know, my handwriting’s a nightmare.

We’re still in the city, but we should be out in nowhere land soon enough.


We’re almost out in the middle of nowhere, but we had a detour. The road was blocked due to an accident.

The land is flat on both sides of us, then off in the distance, there are mountains galore.


We’re on a very rough road right now.

I sang Tom a few songs and now I’m gonna read my library book.

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