Sunday, July 16, 2000

Tom’s out digging another garbage hole. Yesterday we swapped desks and I love this desk! It suits my needs way better. Instead of having the desk in the corner, running along two walls, I’ve got it stemming out in a V from the center of the wall where my other desk was. I’m really close to the monitor now, so I could make my font a point smaller. I have little odds and ends in the desk’s single drawer, paper and envelopes on the lower shelves, along with my stapler and paper puncher. The computer box sits on the floor to my right. To the right of the desk is the old printer cart that’s brown and matches this desk. I have the printer on that and more paper, labels and big envelopes under it. I also have those iron-ons, too. I’ll have to use those up some time. On the main desk part, I have my disks, CDs, mail scale and much-needed Kleenex box to the left of me, and my pens, ruler, notepad and scanner to the right. On the top shelves, which like the bottom, are only 7” wide, sit my dolls. I do have my tape dispenser sitting on one of them, too. I’ve got Bailey, Falling Star and my skater Barbie to my left, and my sleeping and crying Indian dolls to the right.

Yesterday’s allergy attack had me miserable again and now the attacks, which used to come every 2-3 weeks, are now coming 2-3 times a week, and I’ve finally decided I’m ready to make an appointment about that and my asthma. I still don’t see what they can do to help me, but if they can, and if it means swapping these problems in for new ones, so be it. I’m ready for something new for a change. I’m sick of this shit!

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