Thursday, July 6, 2000

Yesterday I woke up at 121 pounds and today I woke up at 120. Not because I shit, but because I ate so little the day before. I finally did shit a few hours after I woke up at 7:30 this evening. Yeah, I jumped my schedule by 6 hours.

Today’s a workout day and I’ll have to really push myself. It’s just that I know this workout isn’t gonna amount to anything. It’s hard working out when you know it’s not gonna pay off other than to give you an underlying layer of muscle that you can only feel and you can’t see. Meanwhile, you still have craters and you’re still too big; around the same measurements as you started with a whole 3 months ago. It’s very discouraging exercising hips that just won’t go away, exercising bellies that just won’t go flat, exercising thighs that just won’t diminish much and lose their too-round shape. You can see my thighs are about an inch smaller, but they’re the same funny shape they’ve always been. They just won’t straighten out.

We’re gonna bomb next weekend, and I can’t wait. I’m finding gnats and spiders in here a lot. I really thought there’d be a lot less of that shit in this house, but thanks to the slop job they did around the doors by not sealing them up too well, there’s plenty of room for these creatures to squeeze through. Tom mentioned building little porches outside of each door to make it harder for these things to get in. Great idea.

A devilish grin comes to my face when I think of how yesterday unless God saw to it that they were misdelivered or lost, my favorite assholes got their letters for sure by now. Whatever long-distance carrier Larry has is going to love him, cuz I know he was on the phone to his dear, sweet little folks about it for quite a while. Or maybe not. Maybe he dumped them again over the last couple of years. I just hope that the letters/tape did get read/heard and not thrown out as soon as they realized what it was. Speaking of letters, I decided to send Andy not a letter, but pictures. He’ll be getting 4 sheets of small house and land pictures. 60 in all. Tom said it was nice of me to send this to Andy to let him know I’m still alive. Somehow I get the feeling Andy could care less whether or not I was alive.

Yesterday was the quietest July 4th in God knows how many years! I would never have known it was July 4th. I never heard a sound. No fireworks, no music, etc. Bet those poor people living on the corner of N.21 Ave. and W. Weldon in Phoenix were saying to themselves – my God! Look at these people next door, in their own little world, not giving a damn about those around them! I’d have ignored them if they’d let me.

Better them than me.


Tom told me that a p-dog ran towards the car as he was driving in yesterday. That’s pretty neat. I haven’t seen much of them lately due to the way they hid for a while cuz of the storms, and due to my schedule.

Since the doctor never called saying he found any infection when they ran Tom’s blood test, I’m more convinced than ever that his aches, pains and tiredness were/are psychological.

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