Wednesday, May 1, 1996

I didn’t get to Andy’s last night due to my sleeping past the time when he was getting off work. I’ll get over there one of these days, though, to finish that cat.

Speaking of sleep, Tom and I noticed this new report that’s supposed to help people like me with screwy sleeping patterns. It’s supposed to be an all-natural herb called Melatonin. I can’t say too much about it, but Tom and I are gonna look into it. It’s been all over the news and he found tons of information about it on AOL.

I talked to my mother a few minutes ago, but Dad wasn’t there. I told her about the bird’s latest thing. I lay seed out on my lap and they eat off of my lap now. They have absolutely no ounce of fear towards me.


I’m making a TV dinner, but I’ll write till it’s done.

From the fan club, I got a disgusting black-and-white picture of Gloria.

I got a neat beading idea for a bracelet. Besides, I haven’t beaded in a while, so I think it’s time I did some playing around with all those different colored beads of mine.

Yesterday was a fun day. Tom didn’t work cuz it’s the end of the month when he goes in on Saturday. He and I hung out together doing this and that and went grocery shopping together, too.


Out of the 3 books I got from the book club, there was one I couldn’t get into. I’m reading one now that seems pretty good, then I’ll have one more. Today I’m mailing off a card where you buy 2 and get 1 free. There were boxes to pick out 6 books, but I doubt I’ll get them cuz I never paid the shipping and handling from the intro offer. Still, it’s worth a shot and I didn’t have to waste a stamp on the card.

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