I fell asleep last night at around 2:30 after Andy and I had a very long nice talk. We’re heading to the beach after I spend a few hours with Mom and Dad. They’re picking me up at 1:00.
Andy and I are staying overnight at an inn, then we’ll come back tomorrow.
Last night, Ma was up here for a little over two hours and we had an excellent talk. It shocks the shit out of me how supportive she’s become of my music. I sang for her and I thought it sucked cuz I was stuffed up, but she was smiling and did seem somewhat impressed. Andy said last night, “The more you continue to improve and they see that and that you really love music, the more they’re gonna encourage you to do it.”
She also was telling me how proud of me she was for teaching myself sign language. She told me how she and Dad met this deaf woman at their store.
Nervous will be here whenever. He’s picking me up a super nice journal I’ve been wanting, though it has no lines.
I wish it were now 1:00 so I can go shopping with my parents at the mall. They sold their store in the Eastfield Mall and now they have a store in Florida.
Today I was up and wide awake by 8:00, cuz I slept about 16 hours yesterday after being up 24 hours. So I required very little sleep last night and the only reason I slept, to begin with, was cuz it was cool. If it were hot, I’d never have slept.
Nervous is now reading journal #7 and the beginning of #10. Hopefully, he returns them before I go to the beach. Of course, he’s 100% trustworthy, but I feel more comfortable when they’re here safe at home. An accident could happen where they’re lost or damaged. Of course, I’d kill him even if it weren’t his fault.
I need a new blue pen after fucking Linda and her butch friend fucked up them by drawing on my potatoes. I swear some people have nothing better to do!
I’m going to McCrory’s in the mall today. Maybe they’ll have some journals at good prices. They usually have a lot of nice stuff at good prices. Clothes and all kinds of cute things.