Monday, November 30, 1998

Couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d write. Actually, I’m gonna go check my email first. Be right back.

Back just a few minutes later after getting the usual - junk mail from Evie. Why does she send me tons of poems and jokes? The poems are utterly boring and the jokes aren’t one bit funny.

I went through the photo albums and ditched 95% of Art’s pictures and 99% of Dureen’s pictures. I ditched all of Larry’s, except for the big one he’s in with the kids and with Doe and Art. I also have Doe and Art’s big wedding picture and a few others of little Larry and Jen. The freeloaders will be getting a few more for variety’s sake. They’ll be getting a handful of different people. Got rid of Bill’s pictures too.

As I went out to the recycle bin at midnight and heard those fucking dogs going off, it further enhanced my already foul mood, and I figured I’d give them a reason to go off for once. They stopped barking just as I went out there, but then I let out a chilling, blood-curdling scream I didn’t even know I possessed. I screamed long and loud two times. That set them off, alright. How can that bitch sleep to the tune of two dogs going off just a few feet away?! And she must’ve heard me scream, didn’t she? I’ll never know, but it was good to get that scream out, anyway. I mean, these fucking things have been horrendous! They just won’t shut up and they’re right back to their old ways of non-stop barking even after dark.


Larry just got his final phone call from me. The one where Mary from Microsoft Mouth says “Larry, watch out. You’re a bastard and soon you’ll die.” 

I tried to have her tell him he was a fucking asshole, but Mary sounded too computerized on those words. He picked up on the first ring, too. What? Was he waiting up for me? It’s 3:00 in the morning there. Guess the poor bastard must be confused now, cuz if Tammy and Andy and others thought Mary and Brutus were for real, then I guess this little shit will too.

Here we go again. I’m up to 114 pounds and I haven’t shit. Every time I lose weight I don’t shit. The lower my weight, the more constipated I am, cuz my body just doesn’t like to be thin. It does whatever it needs to do to keep that extra weight on. Well, since I’m not shitting today, I took a water pill.

Today was a better day for me emotionally, as I knew it’d be.

Tom did a little more of the roof and now most of the house is safe from the rain they predicted for tomorrow. The tarp is down very securely over the front of the house.

He got me up at 11:30. I was pretty tired and could’ve slept a few more hours. It’s so great to not wake up wheezing, though! Although, I still have congestion most of the time and tightness some of the time.

I noticed Melie’s new look right away. Her hair was a little shorter but still long, and it was straightened. I thought she used the straightening iron. There was just a little bit of wave to it. She said her mom, who does hair, came in from California and did her hair. She doesn’t trust anyone else with her hair, she says. Her hair looks nice, but I liked it best with bangs, but instead, her forehead’s exposed. She didn’t have it up in a headband this time. She had it swept off to the sides. It still looked nice.

I was surprised at her reaction to the card I gave her. She was really impressed with the drawings and seemed to look at them forever. As figured, though, she didn’t open the card with me there. She put it on her counter.

She asked me what I did for Thanksgiving and things like that.

I got a variety of colors this time, too. I got bright yellow, purple, pink, and aqua. I have 10 brackets, so I’ve got 2 yellows, 2 pinks, 3 aquas, and 3 purples.

Then I told her I was ready to do the bottom teeth, and after the doctor checked me, he said I didn’t have to have any teeth pulled. He said the teeth can be brought out and then there’ll be a big enough arc for the teeth to all fit in. Tom was surprised they didn’t take any X-rays.

I jokingly said that I wondered if I’d lose more weight since both of us agreed that it helps with that. She asked if I lost any more. I told her just a couple of pounds and she said she wanted to lose 10 pounds. I told her she was already thin and she said others tell her that, too.

So, she put the spacers in the bottom teeth, and the braces will go on next week.

I think this is the first time I ever had appointments that were just a week apart, three weeks in a row. Hope I can make it there!

Then the week after that comes the kidney test. Yeah, I called Vicki and she called the place where I’ll have both tests done, then called me back. It doesn’t sound like it’s gonna be very fun. I have to get some kind of a prep kit that I think includes an enema. Do you know how sick those things make you?! She said she didn’t know the details of the prep kit, but to go to the place and pick it up before my appointment.

As for the uterus test, she said to call the place when my period starts, cuz they like to do this test 6-10 days after your period.

Tom said it’s no big deal and is still being a wonderful support. Yeah, until he refuses to participate and holds me back. God, I wish to hell they could find what’s wrong with me since I know it’s me that’s got the problem, and therefore not bother testing him! I still wonder if I’m making a mistake and doing this for nothing. Could it be that I was right about Tom’s having control over his cumming and therefore, he’s gonna let himself cum for the test, then go back to his cumming once or twice a year with me? I just don’t know what I’m in for here, but I doubt he’d ever cum again if he knew I was OK. If he almost never cums with me not OK, then he sure as hell won’t with me OK.

A part of me wishes I wanted a kid as bad as I did in 1994-1996. Then again, if I did, that’s all the more hurt I’d have to go through when the end result was no baby, and that’s exactly what it will be.

Anyway, I believe my kidneys are fine, but I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if I were told my uterus is shaped funny.

After seeing Melanie, we went to the bookstore. The guy that’s usually there wasn’t there. Instead, there was an old man who did everything in slow motion. I got $10 off in credit so I got my 8 or 9 books for just $11.

There was a message from Laura wanting to know if I’d heard from Andy. Thanks, Andy. Thanks for telling me she didn’t have access to my number. I don’t want our number given out, I told him on his machine, and especially not to a druggie. Do you know how much drug money she could get if she broke in here while we were out? We’ve got a lot of valuable stuff. This is a hard-core druggie, too, and not just a pothead.

A few hours later Andy left a message while we were out saying he got back in an hour ago and would like to tell me about his trip when we talk live. I’d love to hear about it, I told him in my reply message, and also, since he usually has so much to tell me when we talk and since I don’t get much chance to talk too, I told him of my upcoming tests and plans for bracing the lower teeth. I told him we’ll talk sometime this week.

Anyway, he just left another message saying that Laura came into the house and went into his address book only cuz he was supposed to be back Saturday, so she was worried. Besides, if something happened to him, who’d call me? He’s got a point, as I replied to him, and there’s been no harm done. Also, I figured he’d be late due to the shitty weather we had, but if he wasn’t back by today, I’d have been worried, too.

Till next month!

Sunday, November 29, 1998

I have a zillion things to write about, and most of it is not very cool.

Let me start with the freeloaders. I was right again about them. Well, we were right about them. There hasn’t been any significant trouble yet, but next weekend or the weekend after, around the freeloader’s birthday, there will be.

Yesterday I was thinking about how they must be dying to give us noise right back and would prefer to wait till we were done but were probably getting too impatient to wait much longer. Well, they did just what I knew they’d do at some point over the next few weekends. I mean, it’s quite a coincidence that that hoop, which hasn’t been used in months, was finally used after Tom’s been banging about for a couple of weeks. They couldn’t be more obvious than they were today, although it was for under 15 minutes. Tom was right, though, when he said, “Don’t bother being noisy, cuz it’ll never bother them. It’ll just make them noisier just because it’s you that’s being noisy.” Today proved him right. They just can’t stand to be left out. Such attention we crave! I knew they couldn’t handle hearing from us without wanting to be heard right back. I’m not stupid as far as these people are concerned. I know exactly what they’re up to and why. I know how, where, and everything that makes them tick. I know their MO, etc.

Yesterday, the white car visited, but that was it. Today, as figured, the cock was here. Tom said he saw the bitch hanging out clothes all day. I’m sure the cock showed up for a piece of that line, as well as a piece of her ass. I didn’t see the white car pull up, but as I stepped up to the living room window, I saw a tall, skinny woman freeloader get out of the car with a baby in a bassinet and a couple of other kids. None over 8-10 years old. It looked like two girl freeloaders, plus a newborn.

Not quite. Next thing I know I hear a ball bouncing along with Tom’s nail gun. He worked at their side of the house today. This no doubt pissed her off and she went and called these people over, but there weren’t just 3 kids. More like 5 at the very least. There were two black boys playing ball (I saw the cock move its car into the carport).

Fucking, mother-fucking freeloaders! Slam, slam, slam! That’s all I’ve been hearing. I thought something fell on the roof and that I was done with next door’s shit till next weekend, but nope. In comes the freeloader. It’s getting its clothes, I guess, but I still fear this thing may be on the verge of moving back in. It’s just coming around way too much. Well like I said, if it does, it’s outa here. Same goes for its bitch. We’ll never be neighbors again, cock, never! Hear me, cock? Never!

Anyway, as I was saying till I was rudely distracted, the two black boys, who were about 5 and could’ve been twins, played ball for a few minutes, then left in the white car. All that just to be heard back, huh Joebitch? God, we’re getting rather desperate here, aren’t we?! These boys were cute, though, Tom said, asking him if he was building this house and if he lived here. I asked if any adults knew the boys talked to him and he said he didn’t care. I’m surprised she didn’t yell up to him, “Shut up! Shut up! I’m sick of your shit. Don’t you be talking to no one here or I’ll have you served, ho!” She’s damn lucky she didn’t, though, cuz that would’ve sent me flying over there. I’m sure she did know and that that’s why the game was so short and why they left. Initially, she was probably hoping they’d play for hours. That’s what I thought they’d do too, but they will when he’s off the roof. Next weekend or the weekend after, there’ll be hours’ worth of ball games and probably some music too, and remember, Mistake’s birthday’s coming up. I think it’s the 14th.

I just know they’re gonna cause trouble as far as noise goes and it’ll be in the near future, too. The question is, this time around, do I want to go over there and beat the shit out of them? Do I want to give them noise right back (and that includes in the middle of the night)? Or do I want to have the city evict them?

freeloader’s still here. Damn! I just want this thing outa here! Its presence is really making me nervous. It came around the back of the car, jumped up and grabbed the hoop and swung off it (too bad it didn’t break the hoop), then it got stuff out of the backseat of its car. It looks like some of it could be for the mistake too, and that worries me. There’s no U-Haul as of yet, but it moved in little by little the last time and it brought stuff for the mistake, no doubt to impress the bitch and butter her up into letting it stay with her.

It was wearing a beanie-type cap. One that’s longer than a beanie. Tom told me that’s an Islamic religious cap. Islamic? Aren’t those things pretty fucked up? You ever notice that so many freeloaders are into religion? It’s obvious why. They do it as a cover for their sins/faults/mistakes and as an excuse to keep on doing them. Some people think that they can do all the wrong they want and get away with it if they just say, “God. I’m sorry.” Take a bank robber, for example. If that robber was told that all he had to do to get out of going to prison after a robbery was say, “I’m sorry,” and that’s it, it’d keep on robbing. The freeloaders see it that way, too. They think they can harass people like me and not give a fuck about anyone but themselves, as long as they go to church every Sunday and apologize for it.

Yeah! freeloader’s gone. Now stay the fuck away, you piece of motherfucking scum shit!! You ain’t wanted here, dickwad!

The dog across the street continues to not be a problem so far.


Fuck! Here we go again! I just heard a really loud slam that could be felt as well as heard over this loud fan. I could tell it parked in the carport too (probably hauling over more of its shit), where its slamming would echo off the walls. All I can see is the very rear end of the car, but you know what? I can’t really say for sure in the dark that it’s the cock’s car. I think it’s a white car. Even so, how long is the payback gonna be? How long am I gonna have to listen to them deliberately slam doors really loud? Can’t this bitch see that there’s a difference between someone working on their house and generating noise cuz they have to in order to fix their fucking roof, and someone deliberately trying to get your attention and get you to notice and acknowledge them and their existence and harass you? When are they gonna grow up and cut the immature shit? Enough’s enough! This shit’s getting fucking old. Keep it up bitch and company and you’re gone!

Karma. The idea of it would normally give me peace of mind, but not with these people. Why is it that somehow, I feel God’s gonna let them get away with the shit they’ve given me? Well, it’s sad but true, that what goes around doesn’t always come around. Not for everyone. God has different rules for different folks.

Anyway, this bitch doesn’t typically have company at 6:30 on a Sunday night, but I wonder if this car is gonna be here overnight since it’s parked halfway into the carport. I doubt it. I think it only went in just enough to enhance the slamming of the car door, but if it’s still here in a few hours, I’ll step just outside the front door and see what car it is.

It’s early evening, so the collies are going at it. They’ve been going at it for over an hour. I can hear them whenever I go into the bathroom, but for another hour or so, I’ll have the air cleaner on in the living room where I am now. I absolutely cannot believe that no one’s either shot these beasts or complained. Maybe they did complain but found that it didn’t do them any good.

Now let me back up to yesterday morning. Due to the rain they predicted, Tom got plastic sheeting and put it on the roof. He used some of the bricks that have been sitting at the side of the house to weigh them down.

I was thrilled that I’d gotten myself on days and would have no problems getting to my appointment.

Late yesterday morning, we screwed, then he used the dumbest, lamest, senseless excuse I ever heard! No, not the “I’m sick,” “I’m tired,” “I’m too sore,” “I’m too hot” lines, but the “I’m too horny to cum” line. That is the stupidest thing I ever heard! I mean, how can one be too horny to cum? That’s like saying you’re too thirsty for a drink, or too dirty for a shower, or too hungry for food. If he can’t tell me he just doesn’t want to cum, he’s gotta do better than this, but that’s the thing with him, he thinks he can boldly lie/deny the obvious. As long as he knows you can’t literally prove him a liar, he’ll tell you the sky’s green if he wants to. He’ll tell you the grass is pink. Anything he wants to bullshit you on, he’ll so boldly and daringly do so, no matter how off the wall it is, and no matter how wrong you know he is.

I haven’t exactly spilled the beans on him (not that it’d do me any good) and told him I know he’s only cum once since last April, but I did tell him that I didn’t see how we’d have the time to do any “testing” if we were told to screw 10 days in a row. Not with our schedules and busyness. Besides, what good’s it gonna do me with a guy who refuses to cum? I really feel I’m just wasting my time here and thank fucking God I don’t want a kid. I’d never get pregnant by this guy. If I were fixed, this poor, terrified guy will never cum again! Not with me, he won’t. A part of me feels guilty, too. I mean, he’s willing to sacrifice cumming altogether (at least with his wife), just so I can be fixed and be normal and have a full bag of rights as a woman. Well, it’s his choice, but how can he have the nerve to look me in the eye, after telling me not to make excuses to back out of this thing, and tell me he is going to do his part of the testing? Yeah, right! Like hell he is! Which is it - is he delusional into thinking he can really squirt for testing? Or is he that much of a bold liar who’ll knowingly and intentionally lie to my face like that with no empathy, no guilt, no remorse, and with no plans whatsoever to let them have even a drop of his cum? I just wish I knew what I was in for! Am I making a huge mistake that I’ll live to really, really regret? Or does he know something I don’t? Something like how he plans to let them have his cum for testing’s sake, then will make sure none of it gets inside me if I get fixed? Well, I always knew he was in full control of his cumming, so we’ll just have to wait and see what he does.

Now for the worst thing that happened since I last wrote. Curses come and go in waves. Right now, the coast is clear, thank fucking God! Ironically, this shit went down right as I noticed I hit an all-time low of 111 pounds. Coincidence? Or was it compensation for what happened last night? What happened? Oh, just the usual shit battling with that fucking roof. I swear I wanted to sell out right then and there and just go into an apartment till we can move to where we want to be, or sell out now and move to where we want to be, but take our dumpy furniture with us and forget about using the sale money of this house to buy newer, nicer furniture. I’m soooooo fucking sick of this shit!! I need a fucking roof over my head and I just want us to have a life! Is that too much to ask for? Of course it is!

Anyway, the nature of the desert is, is that if it rains here, it’s usually in the morning or at night. It rained in the morning but was clear from 11 AM-10:30 PM. Amazingly, the morning rain did not leak in here at all.

I was pissed at myself for falling asleep too early and for getting up at 8:30 PM, which would mean I’d have to stay up at least 18-20 hours before I could go to sleep and not get up too early. Well, I couldn’t have slept a couple more hours if I wanted to. At 10:30 I was lying in bed when I heard a crash overhead. I thought it was Tom making sure the tarp was covering things well, but nope. It wasn’t him. It was the bricks falling. That’s how windy it was out, and it rained real hard, too.

So Tom went back on the roof and weighed the tarp down with bags of shingles that weigh 70 pounds, but not without it leaking in the bedroom, the bedroom closet, and the music room first, and not without him nearly getting blown off the roof. No water came down into the music room. Just the ceiling got wet, cuz the stupid male fucks that put in our AC didn’t connect it to the roof very well. I cussed them out on their machine for it (after blocking this number), not cuz it’d change how they work, not cuz we don’t have to repaint all the walls and ceilings anyway, but cuz I was in a foul mood and have been all weekend. Tomorrow should be better, though. Gonna see Melie and maybe stop at the bookstore.

I expressed a vibe I had to Tom about waking up to water leaking on my face. He said that that’d be extremely unlikely. That’s what makes it likely. The fact that it’s not likely. If it’s unique, odd, different, abnormal, fluky, freaky, uncommon, unlikely, etc., it’s me. Anyway, I was close. I was already up, and the leak was at the foot of the bed. Fortunately, though, only a few drops came down through a crack in the plaster, but the closet got hit worse and it stinks in there. It stinks of mildew everywhere and I had to spray a disinfectant all over but thank God it was just my typed journals that got wet. They may have dried up OK. I didn’t check, but we covered my dolls, the stereos, the TV, VCR, and computer stuff with plastic.

Anyway, this whole ordeal was humiliating, frustrating, and even scary, cuz I just didn’t know if it was gonna cause sparks to come shooting from plugs or what.

I was also infuriated with that bitch next door and all I wanted to do was go over there, walk it over here by the nape of its neck, and show it how we live and how at 33 and 41, we’re still struggling and we’re still trying to get ahead. Meanwhile, this bitch uses her kid to get the city to cater to her for free. I could’ve beaten that bitch to a bloody pulp yesterday!

So the rain and wind stopped, the leaks stopped dripping, then Tom went out and made a $600 investment. He bought a compressor, a nail gun, and many other tools, gadgets, and accessories that came in a kit.

As of yesterday, only the back room and garage were done, but now he’s gotten towards the middle of the house done and says he could’ve gotten 75% of it done if he didn’t have to work tonight. He said the nail gun makes it three times as fast.

Miraculously, I fell back asleep from 5 AM-10 AM when Tom woke me up.

What? If this is the white car, is that woman and her 500 kids moving in? It’s like, yo bitch! Wake up and face reality. Hello! You can’t do this if you don’t want to lose that house, you dumbfuck cunt!

On the other hand, I’d say this car will eventually leave cuz the front porch light is on. Usually, you turn it on for the visitors you expect and leave it on till after they leave. God, I hate living next to druggies! Fucking traffic in and out and in and out as their fucking buyers and suppliers come and go like bumper cars at a carnival.

Surprisingly, I haven’t heard from Andy this weekend. I thought he was due back last night, but as Tom said, they might’ve taken an extra day or two cuz of the weather.

You know what’s sad about Andy? I mean really, really sad? He wanted to get fired as much as he did, and he’ll keep on doing it probably for the rest of his life. He’s gonna set out to deliberately get fired over and over again. When he comes back, he’ll stop or cut down the pot, get a job, then make sure he gets fired in a week, then use that as an excuse to get stoned. Why? Why is he so scared to decide whether or not he wants to keep certain jobs? Why does he want the decision made for him? I mean, why doesn’t he just ask to be fired in a week the day he goes in for a job interview that looks promising? He might as well.

Now for the last subject I wanted to cover. Tammy left a message yesterday sounding happy and even younger, saying that all was great with her, Mark, and the girls.

So I called her back today. First she told me she was really busy, cuz she refinanced the house and got $4,000 in new furniture, and that Mark was remodeling with her.

Also, Larry’s causing trouble again. Yeah, it fucking figures. I knew he’d be up to his old shit sooner or later. He or Dureen or Art. And what makes it even sicker is that they use Tammy’s kids to get at her.

Larry, you sick little fuck! If I could be there for just 5 minutes! Just 5 minutes with you, boy! Aaaarrrrrrrghhhhhh! No words could express just how much I’d like to slaughter this sick fuck! Now I see why there is so much violence and murder in families. It’s so easy to resort to and sometimes it’s the only solution. I mean, I totally disagree with those that say violence is no solution. Sometimes it isn’t, but sometimes it is, and I can see myself easily killing a handful of so-called “family” members if they were here in this room with me. It’d be no problem, and if I didn’t kill them, they’d wish to hell I did cuz they’d be hurting that bad.

Larry’s right - Tammy’s a shit mom, and I do believe he really did have the best interests of the kids at heart when he called the state (along with doing it to spite Tammy no doubt at the urging of Dureen and Art), but it takes a lot of balls to call the state on someone, then turn around and call the house to talk to her kids! I guess this happened when Tammy was out, but he called to talk to the kids. He does like Lisa and the sicko’s trying to replace Larry with Lisa, but it was mostly to spite Tammy. Not to talk to the kids for the sake of caring about them.

Tammy said something about contacting the police about his calling there, but why doesn’t she change her number or get Caller ID?

Anyway, it really pissed me the fuck off that I called his house, but Sandy answered. I hung up the first time around, but the second time she answered, I began to tell her what I’d do to her husband if he didn’t cut all contact with the girls, but as I should’ve known, she hung up. Then I tried Larry’s business number, but that was disconnected. Then I tried Doe and Art, but that too, was disconnected. I should’ve known that bitch would go to such extremes. If she could change her email address, of course she’d change her number. Did she move again too?

So I thought about forcing Larry to change his number by pranking him in a non-traceable way, by just letting it ring a half a second, then hanging up, and back and forth, but I realized it wouldn’t do me any good. For him to change his work number, but not his home number, tells me something. He wants Lisa to be able to get through somehow. I really feel sorry for that girl if she’s still in touch with him! He’s just gonna hurt her, but sometimes kids have to learn the hard way. So be it then.

What I did end up doing was calling his local police department, telling them he was making harassing phone calls to me, and to please talk to him. The guy I spoke to said someone would call him, and he took down his address too, but I doubt he did call him. Then again, maybe he did, cuz I’d think that Larry would’ve called here by now if it weren’t for my complaint. The reason I did this, is to let his police department be aware of the fact that he’s trouble, so it’ll hopefully prevent him from pulling any shit on me in the future and maybe from pulling anymore on Tammy. If he did, he wouldn’t look very good with my complaint I phoned in. They keep a log of this shit. It’ll also hopefully send a message to this fuck that if he fucks with us, there’ll be consequences for it.

Someday, sooner or later, as it’s inevitably bound to be, Doe, Art, and Larry will all fuck each other over yet again, and what’ll probably be the last time, then Larry will go back to having no one on his side of the family, and Doe and Art will have no kids. Yeah, they know how to lose them one by one. Still, I wish I had been an only child! Think how much worse it’d have been if there were 6 of us! That’s a terrifying thought.


The dogs are still going off in spurts and the white car’s still here. It’s the white car for sure, too.

I just called info to see if there was a number listed for Larry’s business. I called the number I was given but didn’t get the machine I hoped to get. Instead, an older woman answered. She just said hello and sounded groggy, so maybe it wasn’t his business number, but I don’t know.

I’ve got to stop this! I’ve got to stop letting myself get so pissed off over these people! Giving them a piece of my mind won’t do shit, and they’re in the past. As I told Tom, this may sound selfish, but a part of me is seriously contemplating not giving Tammy our new address/number when we move and just walking away. She’s still too closely connected to Bill and Larry, although I know she doesn’t want to be. It’s just that every other time we talk, she tells me something about Bill or Larry that infuriates me, and I need to get away from this shit. I need to put my old experiences/memories/emotions to rest and get on with life, but I feel like my connection to Tammy keeps rekindling the past. It keeps the emotions alive and it’s not good for me. I deserve much more and much better than this in this day and age.


The white car left at 9:05. Right around Joebitch’s bedtime.

Saturday, November 28, 1998

I’m in great shape schedule-wise for my appointment and for the next few days of roofing (although we don’t know if he’ll be able to work today cuz of the weather. It’s cloudy, but it hasn’t rained yet). I took a Benadryl at 7 PM and was in bed for the most part until I fell asleep. I slept from 9 PM-2 AM.

Marla replied to me saying she was happy I was going for testing and that with today’s technology, I have every reason to believe I can have a kid.

Not if my husband won’t cum. If he’s scared to cum with me sterile, he’s gonna be absolutely petrified to cum with me fixed, if they can fix me. I’ve decided also that yes, I’m gonna leave it in God’s hands should they fix me. Well, God’s and Tom’s, so to speak. I still firmly believe, I firmly know, God and Tom together wouldn’t let me get pregnant. I know what’s meant to be and what’s not as far as a kid goes, I just hope I never want one as bad as I used to ever again.

Then Marla said her bubble deflated when she read what I wrote about Andy’s getting fired and getting high. Yeah well, what else is new? After doing this since he was about 20, maybe he likes this. Maybe this is what he wants and maybe it’s what he strives for.

Another thing I hope I don’t ever go back to is wishing I could have sex regularly with my husband. Not a chance with this guy! Yet he says he’s not sore or tired. If he’s not sore or tired, and if he’s supposed to be horny all the time, then why doesn’t he want me? He can’t help how he feels, although just the other day he made a contradictory statement saying the roofing was catching up to him and he needs to hurry up and finish. Anyway, I guess we’ll get together next on my birthday, but I just hope I don’t have any irritation!

As far as my decision to let God decide what’s best for us should I get fixed, well, I’m sorry if I went into Never-Never Land there for a minute, cuz there is no fixing me. And even if there was, we’re not going to get that far. As soon as we test Tom, it’s over. It’s inevitable - and I can see how this will play out - that I call it quits as soon as he proves himself to be the liar he is when it comes to this subject and doesn’t do as he promised.

Enough of the kid, sex, and lies shit, and onto the weight. Once again, 112 pounds is as low as my body can go without many days of starving. I gained a pound in my sleep due to not shitting. Every time my body gets down to 112-113, it doesn’t shit so it can reset itself back to 115 at least. I wonder why it is that my body doesn’t want to get under 112? I guess it’s just not healthy in this day and age. Typically, a body won’t gain/lose weight if it doesn’t want to and if it doesn’t feel comfortable doing so. I’ve got two days’ worth of food in me since my body won’t shit and I have a feeling that as long as I don’t eat, it won’t shit till my body’s back to 115 first. Well, maybe I’ll help it back up there later so I can shit.

Tom downloaded a dictionary for me but hasn’t checked it out yet to see if it’s any good.

Yesterday I helped Tom by cutting shingles. I used a hook razor that really made the job a lot easier. I didn’t like getting bits and pieces of fiberglass stuck in my hands, though.

Tom stapled down the tarp, too. That’ll be a real pisser and a real curse from God if it rains today when it hardly ever rains on a weekend to begin with, and when he’s well-rested and has the whole day and night free. He only has to go in a couple of hours like he always does at the end of the month, but he can go in any time he wants. Meanwhile, when he has to work a long shift and is beat, the sun will be shining.

The cock was here for what seemed to be all day yesterday. I don’t know if he was watching Mistake all day, or if Miss Bitch was there all day, but she didn’t work. Neither did the city, so that’s why the cock was parked in the driveway, too. Most people don’t work the day after Thanksgiving. I had forgotten about that.

Anyway, the cock left at 6 PM without a bang. Shortly after, in came the pearl van. I only heard a door slam, but Tom said he heard a honk too. I don’t doubt it. Then after a while, I noticed a white car parked on the street, which left at 9:00. I was asleep when the pearl van left, so I don’t know if it gave off a little 30-second concert or not, although it wouldn’t surprise me. The people in the pearl van are the rebellious type who’ll risk Joebitch’s tenancy just to go against me and spite me. Same with the aqua-colored car. Haven’t seen that one for several weeks now, so I’m sure that I’m due for a visit from it anytime now. I’ll bet they’re just itching for Tom to hurry up and finish the roof cuz they’re dying to be heard right back!

What is it with this bitch and all this company? This is the cock’s department, I thought. There was only company like this when he was in the picture, but for the first time since she’s been on her own, she’s a company freak just like he was/is. What? Is she that desperate, insecure, and afraid to be alone, or what? Can’t she take just one day off from going out and having visitors?


OK, I’m back to 115 pounds. I had a TV dinner, but still don’t feel like I’m gonna shit, so I decided that I either shit or take a water pill. I can’t keep letting these extra pounds accumulate, cuz then it’s harder to get around. So, since I can’t shit, I went for the water pill. I knew that if I didn’t shit or take a water pill, I’d end up around 118. God, all the slavery I go through just to stay at 115! Is it really worth it? Why do I keep depriving myself of the extra food and pounds my body needs? Maybe I should give myself a set number of months that I’ll continue with the hard work and hunger that goes into staying at 115, then let myself go, and eat when I’m hungry and let my body gain whatever it feels it wants/needs to.


Tom thinks that the bitch’s company, along with the bitch itself, was showing each other what Christmas presents they got yesterday. With money the bitch isn’t even supposed to have? I don’t know if they went Christmas shopping or not yesterday, but I highly doubt she and her company were drinking sodas and playing cards. I’m sure they all got stoned.

As for the weather - the clouds out there do look nasty, but they’re moving fast. Tom says that now the current report says it’s to rain today, tomorrow, and Tuesday. I highly doubt that. First off, they always hype things up, and secondly, it just doesn’t rain on weekends here and if it does, it does it in the morning or the evening, so I still say he’ll be able to work today and tomorrow. If it rains all day today, I’ll swear God only had it rain cuz he was doing the roof! If he weren’t doing the roof, it’d be a typical sunny Saturday. Still, the tarp’s down and he’ll only lift up the sections he’ll be working on. The garage and most of the back room are done. He’s gonna finish the back room, then do the music room, bathroom, and kitchen which is in the middle of the house. Lastly, he’ll do the front which is the bedroom and the living room.

Who will come to see the bitch today? Gee, let me guess - someone in a white car and a gray car? Cock and sis.

Friday, November 27, 1998

I managed to sleep from 5 AM to noon. At 9 PM I'll take a Benadryl to help keep my schedule from going too far forward, although I may need two tonight because I'm getting kind of immune to the stuff again.

Thursday, November 26, 1998

Tom was up when I got up at 5:30. He had been asleep, but the phone woke him up. He said he didn’t know why it woke him up, though. That’s a first.

I was just in the music room when I heard something that I thought was coming from the bedroom, then thought it was from the freeloaders' carport just outside that window, but now I don’t know. Maybe it was from the roof. Maybe the cat nudged a tool up there or something. I looked in the carport and didn’t see anything, though.


I just remembered something. Well, as I suggested to Tom, I hate to see him spend money on God knows what on the 4th (Red Lobster or miniature golf). So, why don’t we just consider the lollipop doll as both my birthday and Christmas present, then I’ll get Edie with any birthday money I may get from Mom. If mom doesn’t send any birthday money, I’ll save enough money in my piggy bank for her. Then I remembered the Christmas money. She typically gives money for Christmas. If she does, it’ll be at least $50 each, so I’ll be getting another doll with that if I do. So maybe I’ll be getting 4 more dolls instead of 3. Another few weeks and Patrice should be here. Hopefully, we can go to the bookstore and the doll store on the 4th, though.


I was right about the freeloaders. No shit from them today. The bitch was picked up early in the white car, and the cock was here for a while, but that’s it.

I wasn’t right on when, but I was so right about the roofing being harder than Tom envisioned and taking much longer than he could initially see. He’s having a miserable time with that fucking roof. The shingles require so many nails and just don’t cover as much space as he thought they would, cuz they need to overlap by 6” or so. So, he may have another 1-3 weeks’ worth of work to do, and he’ll be getting tarps to staple down to protect us from the rain we’re supposed to get this weekend. Of all the weekends it has to rain in Arizona, it just had to be this one, huh? What? Does God want him to work on the roof only when he has to work at the bank all fucking night, too? Yeah, this naturally has me furious with God. It’s like - thanks, God! Thanks for treating my husband like shit and for running him ragged like this for no reason. He doesn’t deserve this shit. He needs to have a life. We have too much other shit that’s gotta be done. He can’t keep dealing with this fucking roofing shit week after week after week. It’s like God has no mercy or empathy for this man, he won’t help him help us, and what’s the point of not having a kid if we can’t have a life? The purpose of not having a kid (one of them) is so that we can live life and do things, yet we don’t even have a life. The Chanukah shirts can be forgotten about, the library, the things we were gonna do on the 4th, and the other household projects that need to be done before we can move. All this is gonna have to be put on hold.

First, I had to worry that Marge was gonna kill him and now I worry about God. It’s like something up there really, really really does want him to be constantly tied up in shit. There’s no doubt about that, but I knew this years ago. I don’t know how he can delusion himself by thinking he could’ve had time for a kid, any more than that I could’ve handled it.

What I did amazingly handle was sleeping through his banging all day. Not smoking really helps and yes, it is better to be fat, look like shit, and feel good, rather than to wheeze, have a racy heart, and look good. He did wake me up 2-3 times throughout the day, but I just went right back to sleep. I still need to push my schedule up by at least 8 hours before I can comfortably see Melanie.

I asked Tom why he couldn’t go to his mother and say look, you’ve got the resources and funds available, so get some people in to help me for once, but he said we’re too deep into the project to call for help now.

Sex is gonna have to wait another week or two, and it’s not that I miss it cuz you know I prefer sex with the vibrator over sex with him, but I worry that this is gonna bring on another round of irritation. At least there’s stuff for that, though.

Tom told me he saw the dog across the street, and I was like - what?! He’s seen it and I haven’t heard it?! How can that be? Well, it turns out that this dog’s a really small dog and it’s kept indoors. Indoors!! Can you believe it?! Indoors! Well, at least that’s what appears to be the case so far, anyway. He said he saw it run out of the house as adults were standing around talking out front. He said he could hear country music coming from their house. He said the little girl across the street was playing with the collie kids. Every kid within a 5-mile radius plays with those kids.

I still can’t believe that we’re about to hit December and still, no one’s played ball at the freeloaders!! So this tells me that yes, she’s under the false, but wonderful impression that part of my shut-up-or-get-evicted deal with the city means that there must be no ball games either. Well, in a sense she’s right. I won’t stand for hours of ball-bouncing every week. No one that has houses all around them just a few feet away should be playing ball, anyway, any more than they should be leaving dogs out all day and all night.

Not that Tom would’ve obliged, but no one came out and told him to shut up and give them a peaceful Thanksgiving. Well, most others around here are anything but peaceful themselves between their music, dogs, and screaming kids. And I’m not surprised the people in the collie house stayed here all day, either. These people are just like the Ms were. They never go anywhere.

I wondered if this was the first potential obstacle as far as the testing goes and if God was thinking about sending me messages about him not agreeing with what I’m doing, but Tom said we’ve come this far, so let’s just get the kidney and uterus tests done. He said kidneys are important, and if we find out the uterus’s shape is bad (I vibe it could very well be bad, too) then we’ll know that’s the problem, and that’ll eliminate us having to bother with other tests.

It’s easy for me to say, let’s put the testing on hold till after we’ve moved and after we’ve built our dream house, which will take a few years, but nah. There’ll just be something else going on at that time. I’m wondering if this will ever fit into our lives and if God ever wants me to have any answers.


Gotta get Tom up in a few, but meanwhile, I was thinking of taking Benadryl to hopefully take a nap. That might push my schedule if I split up my sleeping, so I can end up being up during the next few days.


Maybe the collies have finally shut up. They went on and on and on. The people there probably had a shitload of company. Again, the people there are also very very lucky that we’re moving. But will it still be in June? I don’t know. If the roof can drag on this long and if so, many other things can too, what’s to say we won’t be able to move till 2002? As we get closer to June, we’ll see how my vibes are, cuz that’ll tell me more.

El cocko came in at 9:30 and I assume it picked its bitch up. It was too dark to be certain it was his car, but I’d guess it was. Its engine starting up didn’t sound like Bill’s and it definitely wasn’t a white car. I heard some familiar sounds that I didn’t like, though. I didn’t like those “packing” sounds I heard. These are the same sounds I’d heard when it’d come and go in the past. This took place over a course of 10 minutes or so. Now, how much fucking turkey can you unpack? I doubt it was turkey, and I wonder if he’s slowly bringing his stuff back, but freeloader beware! You step foot back here and so help you fucking God, you’re outa here! I’ll turn right around and contact the city and this time, I just may take it a step or two further than that.

This is the plan - to take a Benadryl at around 3 AM and sleep till around 9 AM when Tom comes home and starts banging away. Today he’ll be banging away over the bedroom, too. If I can sleep till around 9 AM, then I won’t go to sleep again till between 1:00-3:00 AM and will then be on days. If not, then I’ll just try to stay up as late as I can and I’ll just have my sleep dragged out longer than usual due to both his hammering and the Benadryl. Benadryl tends to put you out longer than usual, and if I’m sleeping on and off all day cuz of his hammering, that ought to help push my schedule. Tom says not to worry and that getting to my Monday appointment is a done deal.

Wednesday, November 25, 1998

Well, that’s the first time I ever shit after taking a water pill the previous day.

The mailman was kind enough to let me have my doll catalog, after all, which came today. Tom said we’ll have to order the Sunshine and Lollipops doll, cuz her molds have been broken so time’s running out. I didn’t even notice that until he pointed it out. Well, she has been around for a while, so I’m not surprised. Rapunzel’s been around for a while too, so I’ll bet her time’s running out.

Summer Dream definitely has the best dress, but Winter Romance has the best face. Spring Promise and Autumn Reflection are just so-so overall.

I asked Alex to send a blank email to my mom as I was curious to see if she changed the name again. If he did what I told him to do, then according to him, there’s no such user. I’m not surprised.

Tom still thinks I would’ve not only been a good mom but would’ve been able to stand it physically. He thinks I’m a night person cuz Doe was when I was little. Yeah, I remember hearing her TV till really late at night on the other side of the wall. Sometimes the things I’d hear would scare me, too, when I’d hear screaming or scary music on the TV. Anyway, I told him Tammy’s always been a day person, and he said that at that time, what with Larry just a few years older, she probably was more on days. He feels that babies can adapt to their mothers and that mothers can adapt to them, and I’m flattered he has all this faith in me, but I don’t. I also know what’s in my cards and what’s not as far as that goes and I just thank God that I’m OK with it, as I have been for about a year now. 1998’s gotta be the best year of my life so far for moods and emotions. I got fat and I’ll always be fat, but I’ve had so much more happiness and peace. Things have been fairly quiet around here save for the fucking collies, I haven’t had constant bouts of depression over being sterile, so it’s great. I don’t miss all those depressing, frustrating crying spells!

I still haven’t seen Measles, and that one time I saw White Paws was the only time I’ve seen her since she disappeared. I wonder where she stays and why she and Mama Cat don’t come around at least once a day anymore. Can’t complain, though.

They haven’t moved in across the street yet, either. It’s too quiet and I don’t hear a dog.

I looked online but had no luck finding a dictionary. Not only would it be nice to have on the computer something that checks spelling for me, but it’d also be nice to have something that tells me what words mean.

Andy’s leaving for California early in the morning and he’ll be back Saturday. That’ll be good for him and that’ll give me a break from his calls for a few days. In his last message to me, he never mentioned my letter. I hope he gets it if he hasn’t yet, and that his mailman’s not like ours.

I don’t have a bad vibe for Turkey Day tomorrow, as far as next door goes. If they’re gonna be here tomorrow, which I don’t sense, then they’ll be hearing us, cuz Tom’s gotta get the roofing done by Saturday. They say it’s to rain this weekend, but I doubt it. I doubt it cuz most of the time they say it’s gonna rain it doesn’t, and cuz it almost never rains on weekends here. Well, I just hope to hell he gets it done before it rains and gets it done fast. I’m so sick of roofing, roofing, roofing, roofing!! It’s really getting to be a very old subject and I just want us to be able to get on with our lives for a week or two, till the next big project comes up, like other people’s computers, although God knows we have enough shit of our own to do. I’m just really goddamn tired of this roofing ordeal. He’s gonna have to be pounding away during my bedtime too, but it’s a lot easier for me to fall asleep to the sound of something than to already be asleep when it starts. Besides, I know what’s going on and it’s not someone deliberately trying to wake me up and piss me off, so I’ll survive just fine. Not smoking, and therefore not wheezing, helps a lot too.

There is the chance that my vibe’s wrong and next door has a big party here and acts like the fucking assholes they did on Easter by playing a 3-hour ballgame to join into our noise and give it right back, but I doubt it. I really think they’re gonna wait till after he’s done and after they see the dumpster’s gone.

Speaking of the freeloader, Bill just dropped the bitch off.

I decided it’d be nice if I listed the title and author of the books I’m reading. Well, yesterday I began a book by Patricia Wallace called Twice Blessed. I read 100 pages yesterday and intend to read more today.

My period’s starting. Why a week early, though?

Tuesday, November 24, 1998

Although I didn’t sleep too well last night, I still have that good, positive vibe I had all day yesterday (and I vibe a peaceful Thanksgiving too). I woke up 4 hours after crashing and had to take a Benadryl to fall back asleep as tired as I was, then I woke up several times in between till I got up at 2:30 to stay. I’d like to flip my schedule forward at least 12 hours, but with this fucking roofing ordeal, who knows? I’m starting to feel like this damn roof will never be done! It’s hard for him to balance roofing time with his regular job.

There’s a city van in front of the freeloader’s house. I wonder what they’re doing. I also wonder how they feel about finding Bill there again, and I know this isn’t the first time they’ve found him there. Meaning, do they suspect he lives there?

I like having Bill here in the daytime. It keeps people away from the basketball hoop, and I don’t have to worry about being blamed if their house gets broken into. However, one can blame me for anything they want to cuz if I didn’t do it, I didn’t do it.


Just had some grapefruit. I’ve heard of people going on grapefruit diets where they have nothing but grapefruit, but I’m getting so sick of working so hard to stay at 115 pounds and going hungry so much of the time. Once again, for the millionth time, I’m thinking of just letting myself go. This isn’t natural. You need to eat more at this age and be heavier. My body’s crying out for more food and for a good 10-20 more pounds. I look like shit at 115 anyway, so does it really matter if I gain weight? I just won’t be able to enjoy rocking, but we’ll see.

Tom’s done roofing for the day.


I just changed the mice’s cages. It’s easier on my allergies if I don’t change everyone at once. I do the pig and rat one day, then the mice another day. The guys one day, the ladies another day.

I checked for email, which I thought I’d have tons of, and got an IM from Alex. So, I added him to my address book and my buddy list.

Andy beat me to it as far as him returning that paper with different fonts and checking the ones he likes. I sent him a SASE in my letter to him, cuz he had said he didn’t have any envelopes, so knowing how broke he always is, I thought I’d help him out, but he sent me these sheets back today. So he can keep the SASE for something else or cover up my name and use it for whatever he wants.

He picked the fonts I thought he’d like. The ones that are easier to read. He also decorated the envelope with a picture of the original Charlie’s Angels and the cast of Twin Peaks. He also cut out strips of old letters I sent him.

So, the freeloaders will get a few goodies added to their write-ups. I stuck in these fonts with Andy’s handwriting and with his picture bordering the two pages, and also, a sheet of stationary Kim sent. On the sheet they’re getting, she writes about how Bob’s against her ruining her beautiful tits and all that BS.

At 4 PM there was an anonymous call hang-up. Was it Andy or are the freeloaders at it again?

I took an old gray, sweatshirt dress that I’ve had for what might be half of my life, and cut its sleeves. It looks and feels better this way.

As you know, Art was on America’s Funniest Home Videos (even if we joke and say he was on America’s Most Wanted). Well, Tom says they’re making a show called America’s Scariest Home Videos. He disagrees, but I told him that I’ll bet you anything that half the shows are home births. Babies that came too fast to make it to the hospital. That shit sells just as much as sex, drugs, violence, and rock-n-roll do. Anyway, he thinks it’ll be accident-type stuff.

I sometimes share my writings with Tom, and I shared with him yesterday’s entry. He didn’t get my sentence that said, that was Evie’s case till I came into the picture and she got pregnant. Of course, Tom doesn’t believe this stuff, but Evie’s got those two kids cuz of me. She’ll never know it, but I’m the one responsible for those kids existing. She wouldn’t have them if it weren’t for me, although I suppose if she were still meant to have them, someone else would intertwine with her having them. You see, I don’t just think things are meant to be for a reason, but when they’re meant to be is for a reason, too. Also, God intertwines and kind of mingles events with those that we know. I’m sure he decided before Evie was even born that yes, she would have two kids. However, he was gonna wait till she was older for reasons best for her, and also till I came into the family circle. This way God could kind of kill two birds with one stone. He has Evie wait till he thinks the time’s right, and he uses it to hurt me. Back then I really wanted a kid really bad and God knew I’d feel left out, hurt, and jealous if someone was having kids in the family.

Tom told me he heard that antibiotics can help a woman get pregnant, cuz the antibiotics kill off bacteria that can kill sperm. My response was, “Then why wasn’t I oh so fertile in my 20s when I was always on those things?” He said I wasn’t screwing like I am now. True. I only did it 15 times or so before I met Tom. Besides, I know my problems are a lot more serious than just popping antibiotics. It would take much more than that to fix me if I were even fixable. Also, women can only have female babies cuz the chromosomes that make up male babies are less resilient.


God, I am so sick of this shit! I’m so sick of having to have just a few bites a day and going so hungry so much of the time in order to stay at 115 pounds! Anyway, I gained a few pounds cuz I gave in to my hunger too many days in a row and had 1500-2000 calories a day. I’d have to have 1000 calories a day in order to lose weight and do you know how fast 1000 calories go?! It’s like telling a smoker who’s been used to smoking a pack a day for a long time to suddenly cut down to 3 cigarettes a day. There are hundreds of calories in just two bites, so having 1000 is close to starving, I’m sick of this struggle and I’m getting closer and closer to just letting myself go. I’m tired of the constant hunger. Besides, I’ll never be thin again, and if I were 100 pounds at the snap of my fingers, it’d be hell trying to hold it. I’d go back to 115 pounds in just a week.

No wonder so many women are miserable. Especially the ones my age and up. They set unrealistic goals. They try to get “thin,” but that’s just not possible when you’re older. You can lose a few pounds but beware of the hell it takes to do it and to keep those few measly 5-10 pounds off. Older people are naturally plump cuz that’s just the way God designed us to be.

Monday, November 23, 1998

I have wonderful news, but first, the light blue car is here. Bill’s still here too. I don’t think it’s a coworker in that light blue car. I mean one who happens to be black too, and who happens to have a car that goes with this bitch’s people’s cars? I doubt that. It’s too coincidental. There are probably mostly other poor, lazy blacks going where she goes, though. Although, I wouldn’t exactly call her lazy. She gets out regularly, 5 days a week. She’s just mean, broke and stupid.

The people across the street aren’t all moved in yet, Tom told me. Yeah, I know. No dog yet.

Our dumbfuck mailman gave me a catalog that belongs to N. 21 Dr. I’m sure they got my doll catalog too.

I had bad allergies last night like I do once a week or so.

Andy’s going to be going to California after all. Good for him. He’ll be going from Wednesday to Saturday. Good. Then he’ll get the letter I sent him before he goes. He should get it tomorrow.

He broke down and got high. I told him I still love him anyway, and always will no matter what, even though I like him better sober. As I told him, though, I believe someday he’ll quit for good. Just like I quit cigarettes for good after years of many failed attempts.

He said he was proud of me for taking the first steps toward getting tested. He said he’ll support whatever I decide to do. Now that’s being a good friend. He said he was shocked too, and didn’t think I’d ever go this route. Neither did I. Anyway, I filled him in on the basics, and I also filled in Evie, Kim, Tammy, and Marla. Yup, I heard from Marla! She’s just been busy as hell.

Anyway, this doctor’s right by the Crystal Creek complex and she’s pretty nice. So is her nurse. No one there is as attractive as Melanie. They’re all just there, but at least they’re nice and seem to know what they’re doing, and that’s what counts.

They’re remodeling their office, though, and man was it dusty!

I didn’t have to wait as long as I thought I’d have to and there weren’t a bunch of pregnant teens with wailing kids.

First she weighed me as 119 since doctor’s scales are always 4 pounds more than regular scales, then I tried unsuccessfully to give a urine sample. I should’ve remembered this! I should’ve drunk lots of water.

Got a freeloader update before I go on. That light blue car backed into the street to let Bill out and I saw the driver again. A very tall and very thin black lady with two girls that were about 8 and 10. No older than 12 and no younger than 6 for sure. After she backed the car up, the freeloaders and these two girls ran around screaming and jumping up at the basketball hoop (I thought they were gonna play ball) for a minute or so, then they all went into the house. I just came out of the bathroom to check and I saw the tall woman, the bitch, and one of the bigger girls get into the car, but I assume this girl’s sister and the freeloaders were in the car too. They just took off somewhere.

My guess is that this tall thing is the bitch’s sister and that the two girls are nieces of the bitch that I was supposed to have ordered not to play around here.

Anyway, the nurse took me into an exam room, took my blood pressure, and asked a few basic questions, assuring me the doctor was really nice.

Then the doctor herself came in to get me to bring me into her office to ask me some questions.

The doctor was friendly, and in her mid to late 40s, I’d guess. She had short blond hair and was of average weight.

She asked me how often we had sex. I told her once or twice a week. I told her of my ear when she asked if I’d had any surgeries. She asked when I got my first period and I told her I was about 10. I told her for nearly 3 years when I was in my teens I didn’t get a period. She asked if I was ever told why, and I said no, but I had my theories that it was maybe related to medications. I also hadn’t been eating well back then.

I told her I wanted to see her cuz of the DES, how Cigna got several bloody cultures, and that I was wondering why I hadn’t gotten pregnant.

She asked if I were ever involved in any violent sex acts, or if I’d ever had any sexual diseases. She asked if I were married and if I worked.

She said she’d love to meet Tom after I said I wanted to bring him in next time.

I forgot to mention the atypia that Cigna said I had, but if it’s any big deal, they’ll find it and tell me what to do about it.

She asked when my last period was and when my last exam was, and I mentioned the screwy periods. She said it could very well be normal. Especially since after the spotting, my period’s light and doesn’t last long.

We were wrong in thinking that if my uterus was shaped funny an ultrasound could see it. She said it can’t and therefore, I have to have a test that’ll see its shape because from what I gather, the shape of the uterus can complicate getting pregnant. That was Evie’s case till I came into the picture and she got pregnant.

She said she’s known DES people who have had no problems getting pregnant, but the 3 problems some DES people have are conceiving, suffering miscarriages (something about ruptured membranes which I don’t quite get), and cervical cancer.

She seemed so sure of my situation, though, and once used the words “when we get you pregnant” in one of her sentences to me. She sounded too sure, if you ask me, even though I had no bad vibes of any kind.

She said I could use Vagisil or something that you put in your bath (I forgot the name of it) if I get any irritation around the opening.

Unexpectedly, she recommends kidney testing saying it’s important. The ears and kidneys form at the same time.

I thought I’d have to call Dr. Brown and ask to be able to see Dr. Wells again and do whatever she recommended, but nope, they know each other and I don’t have to do a thing. They’re gonna take care of getting things approved by Dr. Brown. In a week, I’m to call Vicki, a woman who works in the office, about going for the kidney/uterus tests. If I haven’t heard from the nurse in two weeks, I’m to call for my pap results.

After the doctor and I talked, she took me back to the exam room where she listened to my lungs, which she said sounded good. That’s a first. She listened to my heart too, which she said was beating a mile a minute. Really? I felt calm, though.

She said what she could see from the outside of me looked good after she checked my tits.

For the first time, I didn’t ask for the smallest speculum. The exam is still uncomfortable, but it was easy compared to before I knew Tom. I had cramps for a little while and some bleeding afterward.

After getting the kidneys/uterus tests, Tom and I will meet with her for a 1-hour consultation.

She said there was something (that I can’t remember) that was supposed to be visible on some DES people around their cervixes but I didn’t have it. That’s good, I guess.

I fixed my ear, I’m fixing my teeth, so I may as well fix my plumbing if I can! I still don’t see a child in my cards whether I wanted that or not, but whatever’s meant to be will be and whatever’s not, won’t be. I’m just gonna try to keep my mind and doors open to different possibilities. I know I’ll feel much better if I understand more about why my body is as it is and if I know what my options are.

I said something to Tom about wishing I’d gone earlier in our marriage, knowing I was sterile, and knowing I wanted a kid very much back then, but he suggested that it may have put too much stress on the relationship back then. He doesn’t feel stressed out by it now, though. Well, we’ll never know what would’ve happened if we’d gone in 1994-1996, but I think our love was strong enough then to endure it, even stronger now, and as Tom said, these things keep progressing with time. He’s right. Each day that passes, I love him more and I couldn’t imagine life without him. Well, let’s just put it this way. If we were meant to have gone earlier, we’d have gone. If we weren’t meant to go now, we wouldn’t have. However, that doesn’t mean that just because I now have a good vibe and just cuz today went smoothly, God’s not gonna step in and block us later on. We’ll just have to see. I’ll be damned if I’ll fight and struggle for something I’m not meant to do, though, and have to pay the consequences for “disobeying” God. If he starts throwing hurdles at us, I’m calling it quits. I’ll just carry on with my curiosities. I’d rather not, but if I’m not meant to have any answers, I won’t.


Thank God they don’t predict rain for the week, cuz the roof’s not likely to be done till Wednesday. They went as far as Friday saying there’d be no rain. Thank you, God!