Saturday, November 28, 1998

I’m in great shape schedule-wise for my appointment and for the next few days of roofing (although we don’t know if he’ll be able to work today cuz of the weather. It’s cloudy, but it hasn’t rained yet). I took a Benadryl at 7 PM and was in bed for the most part until I fell asleep. I slept from 9 PM-2 AM.

Marla replied to me saying she was happy I was going for testing and that with today’s technology, I have every reason to believe I can have a kid.

Not if my husband won’t cum. If he’s scared to cum with me sterile, he’s gonna be absolutely petrified to cum with me fixed, if they can fix me. I’ve decided also that yes, I’m gonna leave it in God’s hands should they fix me. Well, God’s and Tom’s, so to speak. I still firmly believe, I firmly know, God and Tom together wouldn’t let me get pregnant. I know what’s meant to be and what’s not as far as a kid goes, I just hope I never want one as bad as I used to ever again.

Then Marla said her bubble deflated when she read what I wrote about Andy’s getting fired and getting high. Yeah well, what else is new? After doing this since he was about 20, maybe he likes this. Maybe this is what he wants and maybe it’s what he strives for.

Another thing I hope I don’t ever go back to is wishing I could have sex regularly with my husband. Not a chance with this guy! Yet he says he’s not sore or tired. If he’s not sore or tired, and if he’s supposed to be horny all the time, then why doesn’t he want me? He can’t help how he feels, although just the other day he made a contradictory statement saying the roofing was catching up to him and he needs to hurry up and finish. Anyway, I guess we’ll get together next on my birthday, but I just hope I don’t have any irritation!

As far as my decision to let God decide what’s best for us should I get fixed, well, I’m sorry if I went into Never-Never Land there for a minute, cuz there is no fixing me. And even if there was, we’re not going to get that far. As soon as we test Tom, it’s over. It’s inevitable - and I can see how this will play out - that I call it quits as soon as he proves himself to be the liar he is when it comes to this subject and doesn’t do as he promised.

Enough of the kid, sex, and lies shit, and onto the weight. Once again, 112 pounds is as low as my body can go without many days of starving. I gained a pound in my sleep due to not shitting. Every time my body gets down to 112-113, it doesn’t shit so it can reset itself back to 115 at least. I wonder why it is that my body doesn’t want to get under 112? I guess it’s just not healthy in this day and age. Typically, a body won’t gain/lose weight if it doesn’t want to and if it doesn’t feel comfortable doing so. I’ve got two days’ worth of food in me since my body won’t shit and I have a feeling that as long as I don’t eat, it won’t shit till my body’s back to 115 first. Well, maybe I’ll help it back up there later so I can shit.

Tom downloaded a dictionary for me but hasn’t checked it out yet to see if it’s any good.

Yesterday I helped Tom by cutting shingles. I used a hook razor that really made the job a lot easier. I didn’t like getting bits and pieces of fiberglass stuck in my hands, though.

Tom stapled down the tarp, too. That’ll be a real pisser and a real curse from God if it rains today when it hardly ever rains on a weekend to begin with, and when he’s well-rested and has the whole day and night free. He only has to go in a couple of hours like he always does at the end of the month, but he can go in any time he wants. Meanwhile, when he has to work a long shift and is beat, the sun will be shining.

The cock was here for what seemed to be all day yesterday. I don’t know if he was watching Mistake all day, or if Miss Bitch was there all day, but she didn’t work. Neither did the city, so that’s why the cock was parked in the driveway, too. Most people don’t work the day after Thanksgiving. I had forgotten about that.

Anyway, the cock left at 6 PM without a bang. Shortly after, in came the pearl van. I only heard a door slam, but Tom said he heard a honk too. I don’t doubt it. Then after a while, I noticed a white car parked on the street, which left at 9:00. I was asleep when the pearl van left, so I don’t know if it gave off a little 30-second concert or not, although it wouldn’t surprise me. The people in the pearl van are the rebellious type who’ll risk Joebitch’s tenancy just to go against me and spite me. Same with the aqua-colored car. Haven’t seen that one for several weeks now, so I’m sure that I’m due for a visit from it anytime now. I’ll bet they’re just itching for Tom to hurry up and finish the roof cuz they’re dying to be heard right back!

What is it with this bitch and all this company? This is the cock’s department, I thought. There was only company like this when he was in the picture, but for the first time since she’s been on her own, she’s a company freak just like he was/is. What? Is she that desperate, insecure, and afraid to be alone, or what? Can’t she take just one day off from going out and having visitors?


OK, I’m back to 115 pounds. I had a TV dinner, but still don’t feel like I’m gonna shit, so I decided that I either shit or take a water pill. I can’t keep letting these extra pounds accumulate, cuz then it’s harder to get around. So, since I can’t shit, I went for the water pill. I knew that if I didn’t shit or take a water pill, I’d end up around 118. God, all the slavery I go through just to stay at 115! Is it really worth it? Why do I keep depriving myself of the extra food and pounds my body needs? Maybe I should give myself a set number of months that I’ll continue with the hard work and hunger that goes into staying at 115, then let myself go, and eat when I’m hungry and let my body gain whatever it feels it wants/needs to.


Tom thinks that the bitch’s company, along with the bitch itself, was showing each other what Christmas presents they got yesterday. With money the bitch isn’t even supposed to have? I don’t know if they went Christmas shopping or not yesterday, but I highly doubt she and her company were drinking sodas and playing cards. I’m sure they all got stoned.

As for the weather - the clouds out there do look nasty, but they’re moving fast. Tom says that now the current report says it’s to rain today, tomorrow, and Tuesday. I highly doubt that. First off, they always hype things up, and secondly, it just doesn’t rain on weekends here and if it does, it does it in the morning or the evening, so I still say he’ll be able to work today and tomorrow. If it rains all day today, I’ll swear God only had it rain cuz he was doing the roof! If he weren’t doing the roof, it’d be a typical sunny Saturday. Still, the tarp’s down and he’ll only lift up the sections he’ll be working on. The garage and most of the back room are done. He’s gonna finish the back room, then do the music room, bathroom, and kitchen which is in the middle of the house. Lastly, he’ll do the front which is the bedroom and the living room.

Who will come to see the bitch today? Gee, let me guess - someone in a white car and a gray car? Cock and sis.

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